Eastern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 2 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Next Vnto That Is Synopolis The Citie Of
The Soldan Of Turkie, Who Likewise Is In Subiection Vnto Them.
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these lyeth the countrey of Vastacius, whose sonne is called Astar, of his
grandfather by the mothers side, who is not in subiection.
All the land
from the mouth of Tanais Westward as farre as Danubius is vnder their
subiection. Yea beyond Danubius also, towards Constantinople, Valakia,
which is the land of Assanus, and Bulgaria minor as farre as Solonia, doe
all pay tribute vnto them. And besides the tribute imposed, they haue also
of late yeares, exacted of euery houshold an axe, and all such corne as
they found lying on heapes. We arriued therefore at Soldaia the twelfth of
the Kalends of Iune. And diuers merchants of Constantinople, which were
arriued there before vs, reported that certaine messengers were comming
thither from the holy land, who were desirous to trauell vnto Sartach.
Notwithstanding I my self had publickely giuen out vpon Palme Sunday within
the Church of Sancta Sophia, that I was not your nor any other mans
messenger, but that I trauailed vnto those infidels according to the rule
of our order. And being arriued, the said merchants admonished me to take
diligent heede what I spake: because they hauing reported me to be a
messenger, if I should say the contrary, that I were no messenger, I could
not haue free passage granted vnto me. Then I spake after this maner vnto
the gouernors of the citie, or rather vnto their Lieutenants, because the
gouernors themselues were gone to pay tribute vnto Baatu, and were not as
yet returned. We heard of your lord Sartach (quoth I) in the holy land,
that he was become a Christian: and the Christians were exceeding glad
thereof, and especially the most Christian king of France, who is there now
in pilgrimage, and fighteth against the Saracens to redeeme the holy places
out of their handes: wherfore I am determined to go vnto Sartach, and to
deliuer vnto him the letters of my lord the king, wherein he admonisheth
him concerning the good and commoditie of all Christendome. And they
receiued vs with gladnes, and gaue vs enterteinement in the cathedrall
Church. The bishop of which Church was with Sartach, who told me many good
things concerning the saide Sartach, which after I found to be nothing so.
Then put they vs to our choyce, whither we woulde haue cartes and oxen, or
packehorses to transport our cariages. And the marchants of Constantinople
aduised me, not to take cartes of the citizens of Soldaia, but to buy
couered cartes of mine owne, (such as the Russians carrie their skins in),
and to put all our cariages, which I would daylie take out, into them:
because, if I should vse horses, I must be constrained at euery baite to
take downe my cariages, and to lift them vp againe on sundry horses backs:
and besides, that I should ride a more gentle pace by the oxen drawing the
cartes. Wherefore contenting my selfe with their euil counsel, I was
trauelling vnto Sartach 2 moneths which I could haue done in one, if I had
gone by horse. I brought with me from Constantinople (being by the
marchants aduised so to doe) pleasant fruits, muscadel wine, and delicate
bisket bread to present vnto the gouernours of Soldaia, to the end I might
obtain free passage: because they looke fauorablie vpon no man which
commeth with an emptie hand. All of which things I bestowed in one of my
cartes, (not finding the gouernours of the citie at home) for they told me,
if I could carry them to Sartach, that they would be most acceptable vnto
him. Wee tooke oure iourney therefore about the kalends of Iune, with fower
couered cartes of our owne and with two other which wee borrowed of them,
wherein we carried our bedding to rest vpon in the night, and they allowed
vs fiue horses to ride vpon. [Sidenote: Frier Bartholomeus de Cremona.] For
there were iust fiue persons in our companie: namely, I my selfe and mine
associate frier Batholomew of Cremona, and Goset the bearer of these
presents, the man of God Turgemannus, and Nicolas, my seruant, whome I
bought at Constantinople with some part of the almes bestowed vpon me.
Moreouer, they allowed vs two men, which draue our carts and gaue
attendance vnto our oxen and horses. There be high promontories on the sea
shore from Kersoua vnto the mouth of Tanais. Also there are fortie castles
betweene Kersoua and Soldaia, euery one of which almost haue their proper
languages: amongst whome there were many Gothes, who spake the Dutch
tongue. Beyond the said mountaines towards the North there is a most
beautifull wood growing on a plaine ful of fountaines and freshets.
[Sidenote: The necke of Taurica Chersonesus.] And beyond the wood there is
a mightie plaine champion, continuing fiue days iourney vnto the very
extremitie and borders of the said prouince northward, and there it is a
narrow Isthmus or neck land, [Footnote: The Isthmus of Perekop.] hauing sea
on the East and West sides therof, insomuch that there is a ditch made from
one sea vnto the other. In the same plaine (before the Tartars sprang vp)
were the Comanians wont to inhabite, who compelled the foresayd cities and
castles to pay tribute vnto them. But when the Tartars came vpon them, the
multitude of the Comanians entred into the foresaid prouince, and fled all
of them, euen vnto the sea shore, being in such extreame famine, that they
which were aliue, were constrained to eate vp those which were dead; and
(as a marchant reported vnto me who sawe it with his owne eyes) that the
liuing men deuoured and tore with their teeth, the raw flesh of the dead,
as dogges would knawe vpon carrion. Towards the border of the sayd prouince
there be many great lakes:
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