Eastern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 2 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Wherefore, The Third Day After This, Namely,
Vpon The Feast Of Saint Brice [Sidenote:
Nouember 13.], they gaue vs our
passe-port and a Letter sealed with the Emperours owne seale, sending vs
vnto the Emperours mother, who gaue vnto eche of vs a gowne made of Foxe
skinnes, with the furre on the outside, and a piece of purple.
They are rewarded with gifts.] And our Tartars stole a yard out of euery
one of them. And out of that which was giuen vnto our seruant, they stole
the better halfe. Which false dealing of theirs we knew well enough, but
would make no words thereof.
Qualiter ab illo itinere redierunt. Cap. 33.
[Sidenote: Difficilis legatorum reditus.] Tunc iter ad reuertendum
arripuimus, at per totam hyemem venimus, iacentes in desertis sapius in
niue, nisi quantum poteramus nobis cum pede locum facere. Ibi quippe non
erant arbores; sed planus campus. Et sape mane nos inueniebamus totos niue,
quam ventus pellebat, coopertos. Sic venientes vsque ad Ascensionem Domini
peruenimus ad Bathy. [Sidenote: Bathy.] A quo cum inquireremus, quid
responderet Domino Papa, dixit se nolle aliud, nisi quod Imperator
diligenter scripserat, demandare. Datisque nobis de conductu literis, ab eo
recessimus, & sabbatho infra octauas Pentecostes vsque ad Montij
peruenimus, vbi erant socij nostri, ac seruientes, qui fuerant retenti,
quos ad nos fecimus reduci. [Sidenote: Corrensa.] Hinc vsque Corrensam
peruenimus, cui iterum a nobis donaria petenti non dedimus, quia non
habebamus. Deditque nobis duos Comanos, qui erant ex Tartarorum plebe,
vsque ad Kiouiam Russia. Tartarus tamen noster non dimisit nos, donec
exiremus vltimam Tartarorum custodiam. Isti vero alij, qui nobis a Corrensa
dati sunt, in sex diebus ab vltima custodia vsque ad Kiouiam nos duxerunt.
Venimus autem illuc ante festum Beati Iohannis Baptista xv. diebus.
[Sidenote: Iunij 8. Gratulationes reducibus facta. Basilius & Daniel
Principes.] Porro Kiouienses aduentum nostrum percipientes, occurrerunt
nobis omnes latanter. Congratulabantur enim nobis, tanquam a morte
suscitatis. Sic fecerunt nobis per totam Russiam, Poloniam & Bohemiam.
Daniel & Wasilico frater eius festum nobis magnum fecerunt, & nos contra
voluntatem nostram bene per octo dies tenuerunt. Medioque tempore inter se
& cum Episcopis, caterisque probis viris, super his, qua locuti fueramus
eisdem, in processu nostro ad Tartaros consilium habentes, responderunt
nobis communiter, dicentes: [Sidenote: Russi agnoscunt primatum Papa.] quod
Dominum Papam habere vellent in specialem Dominum, & in patrem, sanctam
quoque Romanam Ecclesiam in dominam & magistram, confirmantes etiam omnia,
qua prius de hac materia per Abbatem suum transmiserant. Et super hoc etiam
nobiscum ad Dominum Papam nuncios suos & literas transmiserunt.
The same in English.
How they returned homewards. Chap. 33.
[Sidenote: The sore iourneys of the legates in returning.] Then taking our
iourney to returne, we trauailed all Winter long, lying in the deserts
oftentimes vpon the snow, except with our feete wee made a piece of ground
bare to lye vpon. For there were no trees, but the plaine champion
[Footnote: Champagne (Fr.) Open] field. And oftentimes in the morning, we
found our selues all couered with snow driuen ouer vs by the winde.
[Sidenote: Bathy.] And so trauailing till the feast of our Lordes
Ascension, we arriued at the court of Bathy. Of whom when wee had enquired,
what answere he would send vnto our Lord the Pope, he said that he had
nothing to giue vs in charge, but onely that we should diligently deliuer
that which the Emperour had written. And, hauing receued letters for our
safe conduct, the thirteenth day after Pentecost, being Saterday, wee were
proceeded as farre as Montij, with whome our foresaide associates and
seruants remained, which were withheld from vs, and we caused them to be
deliuered vnto vs. [Sidenote: Corrensa.] From hence wee trauailed vnto
Corrensa, to whom, requiring gifts the second time at our hands, we gaue
none, because we had not wherewithall. And hee appointed vs two Comanians,
which liued among the common people of the Tartars, to be our guides vnto
the citie of Kiow in Russia. Howbeit one of our Tartars parted not from vs,
till we were past the vtmost gard of the Tartars. But the other guides,
namely the Comanians, which were giuen vs by Corrensa, brought vs from the
last garde vnto the citie of Kiow, in the space of sixe dayes. And there we
arriued fifteene dayes before the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist. [Sidenote:
Iune 8. How they were welcomed at their returne.] Moreouer, the Citizens of
Kiow hauing intelligence of our approach, came foorth all of them to meet
vs, with great ioy. For they reioyced ouer vs, as ouer men that had bene
risen from death to life. So likewise they did vnto vs throughout all
Russia, Polonia, and Bohemia. [Sidenote: Basilius and Daniel Princes.]
Daniel and his brother Wasilico made vs a royall feast, and interteined vs
with them against our willes for the space Of eight dayes. In the mean
time, they with their Bishops, and other men of account, being in
consultation together about those matters which we had propounded vnto them
in our iourney towards the Tartars, answered vs with common consent,
saying: that they would holde the Pope for their speciall Lord and Father,
and the Church of Rome for their Lady & mistresse, confirming likewise al
things which they had sent concerning this matter, before our comming, by
their Abbate. And for the same purpose, they sent their Ambassadours and
letters by vs also, vnto our Lord the Pope.
* * * * *
Itinerarium fratris Willielmi de Rubruquis de ordine fratrum Minorum,
Galli, Anno gratia 1253. ad partes Orientales.
Excellentissimo Domino & Christianissimo, Lodouico Dei gratia Regi
Francorum illustri, frater Willielmus de Rubruquis in ordine fratrum
Minorum minimus salutem, & semper triumphare in Christo. Scriptum est in
Ecclesiastico de sapiente [Marginal note: Ecclus 39. ver 4.], In terram
alienarum gentium transibit, bona & mala in omnibus tentabit. Hoc opus,
Domine mi Rex, feci: sed vltinam vt sapiens et non stultus. Multi enim
faciunt quod facit sapiens, sed non sapienter, sed magis stulte; de quorum
numero timeo me esse. Tamen quocunque modo fecerim; quia dixistis mihi
quando recessi a vobis, vt omnia scriberem vobis, quacunque viderem inter
Tartaros, & etiam monuistis vt non timerem vobis scribere longas literas,
facio quod iniunxistis:
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