Eastern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 2 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Cum ergo in prima sexta feria post diem cinerum, Sole ad occasum tendente,
hospitaremur, Tartari super nos armati horribiliter irruerunt, quarentes
cuiusmodi homines essemus:
Cumque respondissemus, quod Domini Papa nuncij
essemus, quibusdam cibarijs a nobis acceptis, continuo discesserunt. Porro
mane facto, cum surgentes aliquantulum processissemus, maiores illorum, qui
erant in custodia, nobis occurrerunt, interrogantes, cur ad eos veniremus?
et quid negotij haberemus? [Sidenote: Papa Christianorum pater et Dominus.]
Quibus respondimus, Domini Papa nuncij sumus, qui Christianorum pater est
ac Dominus. Hic nos idcirco tam ad Regem quam ad Principes, omnesque
Tartaros, mittit, quia placet ei, quod omnes Christiani Tartarorum sint
amici, et pacem habeant cum ipsis. [Sidenote: Legationibus mandata.]
Desiderat insuper, vt apuud Deum in coelo sint magni, et idcirco monet eos
tam per nos quam per literas suas, vt efficiantur Christiani, fidemque
recipiant Domini nostri Iesu Christi, quia non possunt aliter saluari.
Mandat praterea, quod miratur de tanta occisione hominum, et maxime
Christianorum, ac potissime Hungarorum Montanorum, et Polonorum, qui sunt
ei subiecti, facta per Tartaros, cum in nullo lasissent, aut ladere
attentassent eos. Et quia Dominus Deus grauiter est super hoc offensus,
monet eos vt a talibus de catero caueant, et de commissis poenitentiam
agant. Super his etiam rogat, vt ei rescribant, quid facere velint de
catero, et qua sit eorum intentio. [Sidenote: Corrensa.] Quibus auditis, et
intellectis, dixerunt Tartari, se velle equos nobis subductitios vsque ad
Corrensam et ducatum prabere. Statimque munera petierunt, et a nobis
acceperunt. Equis igitur acceptis, de quibus descenderunt ipsi, cum eorum
ducatu ad Corrensam arripuimus iter eundi. Ipsi tamen velociter equitantes,
nuncium vnum pramiserunt ad prafatum Ducem cum his verbis, qua dixeramus
eisdem. [Sidenote: Dux limitis occidentalis.] Est autem Dux iste Dominus
omnium, qui positi sunt in custodia contra omnes Occidentis populos, ne
forte subito et improuiso irruant aliqui super illos. Et iste dicitur
habere sexaginta millia hominum armatorum sub se.
The same in English.
How he and his company were at the first receiued of the Tartars. Chap. 20.
Wherefore, the first saturday next after Ashwednesday, hauing about the
Sunnes going downe, taken vp our place of rest, the armed Tartars came
rushing vpon vs in vnciuil and horrible maner, being very inquisitiue of vs
what maner of persons, or of what condition we were: and when we had
answered them that we were the Popes Legates, receiuing some victuals at
our handes, they immediately departed. Moreouer in the morning rising and
proceeding on our iourney, the chiefe of them which were in the guard met
with vs, demaunding why, or for what intent and purpose we came thither,
and what business we had with them: Vnto whom we answered, We are the
legates of our lord the Pope, who is the father and lord of the Christians.
[Sidenote: The content of the legacie.] He hath sent vs as well vnto your
Emperour, as to your princes, and all other Tartars for this purpose,
because it is his pleasure, that all Christians should be in league with
the Tartars, and should haue peace with them. It is his desire also that
they should become great or in fauour with God in heauen, therfore he
admonisheth them aswel by vs, as by his own letters, to become Christians,
and to embrace the faith of our Lord Iesu Christ, because they could not
otherwise be saued. Moreouer, he giues them to vndersand, that he much
marueileth at their monstrous slaughters and massacres of mankind, and
especially of Christians, but most of al of Hungarians, Mountaineirs, and
Polonians, being al his subiects, hauing not iniuried them in ought, nor
attempted to doe them iniurie. And because the Lord God is grieuously
offended thereat, he aduiseth them from henceforth to beware of such
dealing, and to repent them of that which they had done. He requesteth
also, that they would write an answere vnto him, what they purpose to doe
hereafter, and what their intention is. All which things being heard and
vnderstood, the Tartars sayd that they would appoint vs poste horses and a
guide vnto Corrensa. And immediately demanding gifts at our hands, they
obtained them. [Sidenote: Corrensa.] Then receiuing the same horses, from
which they dismounted, together with a guide wee tooke our iourney into
Corrensa. [Sidenote: The duke of the western marches.] But they riding a
swift pace, sent a messenger before vnto the sayd duke to signifie the
message, which we had deliuered vnto them. This duke is gouernour of all of
them, which lie in guard against the nations of the West, least some enemy
might on the sudden and at vnawares breake in vpen them. And hee is said to
haue 60000. men vnder him.
Qualiter recepti sunt apud Corrensam. Cap. 21.
[Sidenote: Mos salutandi Tartaricos proceres.] Cum ergo peruenissemus an
eius curiam, fecit nobis longe a se poni stationem, et misit ad nos
procuratores suos, vt quarent a nobis, cum quo ei vellemus inclinare id
est, qua ei munera inclinando vellemus offerre. Quibus respondimus, quod
Dominus Papa non mittebat aliqua munera; quia non erat certus, quod ad
illos peruenire possemus, et insuper veneramus per loca valde periculosa.
Veruntamen in quantum de his, qua habebamus ex gratia Dei et Domini Papa ad
victum nostrum, sicut poterimus, honorabimus ipsum. Acceptisque muneribus
duxerunt nos ad ordam siue tentorium ipsius, et instructi fuimus, vt ante
ostium stationis ter cum sinistro genu inclinaremus, et caueremus attente
ne pedem super limen ostij poneremus. Et postquam intrauimus, opportunt nos
coram Duce omnibusque maioribus, qui ad hoc erant vocari, dicere flexis
genibus ea, qua dixeramus superius. Literas etiam Dom. Papa obtulimus: sed
interpres, quem de Kyouia, dato pretio, duxeramus, non erat sufficiens ad
interpretandum, nec aliquis alius habebatur idoneus. [Sidenote: Bathy
eiusque potentia.] Hinc equi nobis dati sunt, et tres Tartari qui nos
ducerent festinanter ad ducem Bathy. Ipse est apud eos potentior excepto
Imperatore, cui tenentur pra cunctis principibus obedire. Itaque iter
arripuimus secunda feria post primam dominicam [Marginal note:
Quadragesime.] xl. et equitando, quantum equi trotare poterant, quoniam
habebamus equos recentes fere ter aut quater omni die, properabamus de mane
vsque ad noctem, imo etiam de nocte sapissime, nec tamen ante quartam
feriam maioris hebdomada potuimus ad ipsum peruenire.
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