Northern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 1 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Absolutis hactenus miraculis Islandia, (cum nonnullis alijs, prima parti
annexis) qua dum scriptores, velut Agamemnonios quosdam fontes, imo, vt
quiddam prater et contra omnem naturam, mirantur, nec non varie
depradicant, minus veritati ipsi, et authoritati sua cousulunt; monet
proposita orationis series, vt ad alteram commentarij partem nos
conferamus, qua est de incolis: Vbi quid primum dicam, aut vnde initium
sumom, non satis teneo. Tanta enim sunt in nos vltimos Islandos, et tot
quorundam ludibria, tot opprobria, tot scommata, tot dicteria, (Atque inter
hac etiam nonnulla eorum, qui simplicissimam veritatem profiteri, volunt,
nempe historicorum) vt si singula recensere velim, non aliud quam
Icaria numerum dicere *corier* aqua.
Sed, vt dixi initio, non cum omnibus aque stricto iure agemus. Nam licet
Krantzius, Munsterus, Frisius, et alij, nimis audacter multa de gente
nostra scripserint: Tamen suis monumentis de studijs liberalibus alioqui
bene meriti, etiam apud nos eo erunt in precio, quo merentur. Verum
interea, etsi quis velit eos a calumniandi nota liberare, tamen non leue
est, eos res quasdam tam absurdas, impossibiles et ridiculas proposuisse,
cuiusmodi illa fuerunt, qua hactenus exposuimus, tum impias, et atrocitate
mendaciorum horrendas, cuiusmodi iam sequentur aliquot, in historias
retulisse. Ast alijs, quicunque; sunt, qui quotidianus conuicijs nationem
Islandorum incessunt, responsio, quam merentur, parata esse debet: Ex
quorum numero, scurra ille fuit, qui rhythmis aliquot, in gentis nostra
contumeliam, Germanica lingua editis, nomen suum immortali dedecori
Quapropter, vt instituti nostri ratio exigit, dum scriptorum de hac re
monumenta persequimur, etsi quadam in eis occurrant, qua coutumelia parum
habent, nos tamen plaraque excutiemus, et errores, vt hactenas,
annotabimus: tum si quid veri interea attulerint, id nequaquam
dissimulabimus. [Sidenote: Secunda partis distributio.] Ac eo modo, primum
Munsterum, Krantzium, Frisium, et si qui sunt alij, audiemus, Graculo illo,
cum suis rhythmis Germanicis, dira calumnia infectis in postremum, vt
dignus est, relecto locum. [Sidenote: 1. Capitis huius partis diuisio.] In
hunc igitur modum, primum de fide seu Religione Islandorum: Deinde de
ipsorum moribus, institutis seu viuendi ratione, authores isti scribunt.
The same in English.
Of Island the second part, concerning the Inhabitants.
Hauing hitherto finished the miracles of Island with certaine other
particulars belonging to the first part, the which while writers doe wonder
at and diuersly extoll as it were the fountains of Agamemnon, yea, as
things besides and against all nature, they haue bene very carelesse both
of trueth it selfe, & of their owne credite. Now the course of the present
speach doeth admonish mee to make haste vnto the other part of the treatise
concerning the Inhabitants wherein what I should first say, or where I
should begin, I am altogether ignorant. For there be such monstrous, and so
many mocks, reproches, skoffes, and taunts of certaine men against vs poore
Islanders dwelling in the vtmost parts & the world (and amongst these also,
some things of theirs who take vpon them to professe most simple trueth,
namely Historiographers) insomuch, that to reckon vp the particulars were
nothing els but to tell the drops of the Icarian sea. But as I said in the
beginning, we will not deale alike seuerely with all. For although
Krantzius, Munsterus, Frisius & others haue written many things too boldly
of our nation yet hauing otherwise deserued wel of learning by their
monuments, they shalbe still in ye same reputation with vs that they are
worthy of. Howbeit in the meane time, although a man would free them from
the marke of slanderers, yet is it no small matter that they should broch
certaine sencelesse, impossible & ridiculous things, such as those are
which we haue hitherto laid downe as also that they should record in
histories prophane and horrible vntrueths, some of which kind shal now
immediately be discussed. As for others, whatsoeuer they be, who vpbraid
the nation of Islanders with daily reproches, they are to haue that answere
in a readinesse which such men deserue. In the number of whom, that scoffer
is to be accounted, who by a company of rimes published in the Germane
tongue, to the disgrace of our countrey, hath brought his name into
euerlasting ignominie.
Wherefore as our present businesse requireth, while we are in hand with the
writings of Authors concerning this matter, although we meet with some
things containing litle reproch, notwithstanding we will examine most of
them, noting the errors as hitherto we haue done in the meane time also
when they shall alleage any trueth, we will in no case dissemble it. And
after this maner, first we will heare Munster, Krantzius and Frisius, and
others also, if there be any more, what they haue to say, reiecting that
Paro and his Dutch rimes infected with fell slander, as he is woorthy vnto
the last place. First therefore the sayd Authors write concerning the faith
or religion of the Islanders and secondly, of their Maners, Customes, and
course of life in maner folowing.
Adalbertius Metropolitanus Hamburgensis, Anno Christi
1070. Vidit ad Christum conuersos Islandos: licet
ante susceptam Christi fidem, lege Naturali vuuentes,
non multum a lege nostra discrepantes: itaque, pretentibus
illis, ordinauit quendam virum sanctum, primum
Episcopum, nomine Isleif.
Krantzius his verbis, et Munsterus alibi, fidei seu Religionis Christiana
dignitatem Islandis videntur adscribere: Facerentque et se, et veritate
dignum, nisi eandem alias nobis adimerent. Nam (vt de Krantzio infra)
Munsterus, qua supra prodidit, de fide nostra, seu opinione circa Inferni
locum situmque, omnino est a Christiana pietate alienum: Velle scilicet
scrutari arcana, qua Deus sibi soli reseruauit, quaque voluit nostrum
captum excedere: Non enim reperitur de hac re quicquam in literis sacris,
vbi locus vel sitis inferni seu ignis aterni, Diabolo et Angelis ipsius,
adeoque damnatis omnibus animabus destinati, determinetur, aut
circumscribatur: Nullam inquam, infra terram, seu in ea, aut vlla alia
huius mundi parte, corporalem seu localem situm illi damnatorum carceri
pagina sacra assignat: quinimo, terram hanc interituram, et terram nouam et
coelos nouos, iustorum et sanctorum habitacula, creanda affirmat: Apoc. 2.
2, Petri 3, Esa.
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