Henrici 3. Confirmata per Regem
Edwardum primum 8. Iulij Anno Regni 18. prout extat in rotulo cartarum
de Anno 18. Regis Edwardi primi.
Rex Archiepiscopis &c. salutem. Sciatis nos quietos clamasse pro nobis &
haredibus nostris dilectos nostros, Ciues de Colonia, & mercandisam suam de
illis duobus solidis, [Marginal note: Antiqua consuetudo Gildhalla
Coloniensium Londini.] quos solebant dare de Gildhalia sua London, & de
omnibus alijs consuetudinibus & demandis, qua pertinent ad nos in London, &
per totam terram nostram; & quod libere possunt ire ad ferias, per totam
terram nostram & emere & vendere in villa London & alibi, salua libertate
Ciuitatis nostra London. Quare volumus & firmiter pracipimus pro nobis &
haredibus nostris quod pradicti ciues de Colonia pranommatas libertates &
libera consuetudines habeant per totam terram nostram Anglia sicut
pradictum est. His testibus, venerabili patre Waltero Caerleoiensi
Episcopo, Wilhelmo de Ferarijs, Gilberto Basset, Waltero de Bello campo,
Hugone Disspenser, Waltero Marescallo, Galfrido Dispenser, Bartholomao
Pech, Bartholomao de Saukeuill, & alijs. Data per manum venerabilis patris
Radulphi Cicistronsis Episcopi, Cancellarij nostri apud Dauintre Octauo die
Nouembris, Anno Regni nostri vicesimo.
The same in English.
A Charter graunted for the behalfe of the Marchants of Colen [Footnote:
Cologne.] in the twentieth yeere of Henry the third, confirmed by King
Edward the first, as it is extant in the roule of Charters, in the
eighteenth yeere of King Edward the first.
The King vnto Archbishops &c. greeting. [Sidenote: The ancient custome of
the Coloners Gildhall in London.] Be it knowen vnto you, that wee haue
quite claimed, and for vs and our heires released our welbeloued the
Citizens of Colen and their marchandize, from the payment of those two
shillings which they were wont to pay out of their Gildhall at London and
from all other customes and demaunds, which perteine vnto vs, either in
London, or in any other place of our Dominions and that they may safely
resort vnto Fayers throughout our whole Kingdome, and buy and sell in the
Citie of London. Wherefore we will and firmely command for vs and our
heires, that the forenamed Marchants of Colen may enioy the liberties and
free priuiledges aboue-mentioned, throughout our whole kingdome of England
as is aforesaid. Witnesses, the reuerend father Walter Bishop of Carlil,
William de Ferarijs, Gilbert Basset, Walter de Beauchamp Hugh Disspenser,
Walter Marescal, Geofrie Disspensser. Bartholomew Peach, Bartholomew de
Saukeuill and others. Giuen by the hand of the reuerend father Ralph Bishop
of Chichester and our Chauncellour at Dauintre, the eight day of Nouember
in the twentieth yeere of our reigne.
* * * * *
Carta Lubecensibus ad septennium concessa. Anno 41. Henrici 3.
[Sidenote: Carta conditionalis]
Henricus dei gracia Rex Anglia dominus Hibernia, dux Normania, Aquitania, &
Comes Andegauia, omnibus Balliuis suis salutem. [Sidenote: Ricardus Comes
Cornubiaa Rex Romanorum.] Sciatis nos ad instantiam dilecti & fidelis
fratris nostri Ricardi Comitis Cornubia in Regum Romanorum electi,
suscepisse in protectionem & defensionem nostram & saluum & securum
conductum nostrum Burgenses de Lubek in Alemania cum omnibus rebus &
mercandisis quas in Regnum nostrum deferent, vel facient deferri.