The same yere Alexander king of Scots prouided a great nauie of ships that
he might conquere the islands vnto himselfe, howbeit falling into an ague
at the isle of Kenwary [Footnote: Query, Kerrera.] he deceased.
Then Haraldus the sonne of Godred Don vsurped the name of a king ouer the
islands, hee banished also all the princes of Harald the sonne of Olauus
and ordeined his fugitiues to bee princes and nobles in their stead.
In the yere 1250. Haraldus the son of Godred Don being summoned by letters
went vnto the king of Norway who deteined him in prison because he had
vniustly possessed the kingdome. The same yeere Magnus the sonne of Olauus,
and Iohn the sonne of Dugalt arriued at Roghalwhat, which Iohn named
himselfe king, but the Mannians taking it grieuously, that Magnus was not
nominated, draue them from their shoare, and many of the company perished
by shipwracke.
In the yeere 1252. came Magnus the sonne of Olauus vnto Man, and was
ordained king. The yere folowing he tooke his iourney vnto the king of
Norway & there he remained one whole yere.
In the yeere 1254. Haco king of Norway ordeined Magnus the sonne of Olauus
king of the islands, confirming them to him and to his heires, and by name
vnto Harald his brother.
In the yere 1256. Magnus tooke his iourney into England, and was by the
king of England created knight.
In the yere 1257. the Church of S. Maries of Russin was dedicated by
Richard bishop of Soder.
In the yeere 1260. Haco king of Norway came into the parts of Scotland, and
without atchieuing ought, turning his course towards the Orcades he there
deceased at Kirwas, [Footnote: Kirkwall. The date is an error Hacos
expedition took place in 1263. He sailed from Herdle-Voer on the 5th of
July, and died Saturday, 15th December (Det Norske Folks Historie, by P.
A. Munch.)] and was buried at Bergen.
In the yeere 1265. Magnus the sonne of Olauus king of Man and of the
Islands died at the castle of Russin, and was buried at the Church of St.
Mary at Russin.
In the yere 1266. the kingdome of the Islands was translated vnto Alexander
king of Scots.
* * * * *
That which followeth was written in a new character or letter, and of a
diuers kinde from the former.
In the yeere 1270. vpon the seuenth day of October the Fleete of Alexander
king of Scots arriued at Roghalwath, and the next day before the sunne
rising there was a battell fought betweene the Mannians and the Scots, in
the which conflict there were slaine 535. Mannians: whereupon a certaine
versifier writeth to this effect: