Bute.] Haco being hit with a stone died, and was buried
in Iona.
In the yere 1230. came Olauus with Godredus Don and certeine Noruegians
vnto Man, and they parted the kingdome among themselues, Olauus stil
reteining Man. Godred as he was going vnto the Islands, was slaine in the
Isle of Lewis, & Olauus inioyed the kingdome of the islands also.
In the yere 1237. vpon the 12. of the kalends of Iune, Olauus sonne of
Godred king of Man deceased in the isle of S. Patric, and was interred in
the abbey of Russin. He reigned 11. yeres, two while his brother was aliue,
and nine after his death.
Haraldus his sonne being of the age of 14. yeres, succeeded, and he reigned
12. yeeres. The first yere of his reigne taking his iourney vnto the
islands, he appointed one Loglen his kinsman to be his deputie in Man. The
Autumne folowing Haraldus sent the three sonnes of Nel, namely Dufgaldus,
Torquellus, & Molmore, and his friend Ioseph vnto Man, that they might
enter into cosultation together. Wherefore the 25. day they assembled
themselues at Tingualla: and malice growing betweene the sonnes of Nel, and
Loglen they fel to blowes and skirmished sore on both parts, Molmore,
Dufgald, and the foresaid Ioseph being all slaine in the fray. The Spring
folowing, king Harald came into the Isle of Man, and Loglen fleeing into
Wales, was himselfe, together with Godred the sonne of Olauus his pupil,
and 40. others, drowned by shipwracke.
In the yere 1238. Gospatricius and Gillescrist sonne of Mac-Kerthac came
from the king of Norway vnto Man, expelling Harald out of the said island,
and taking tribute on the behalfe of the Noruegian king, because the said
Harald refused to come vnto his Court.
In the yere 1240. Gospatricius deceased and was buried in the abbey of
In the yere 1239. Haraldus went vnto the king of Norway who within two
yeres confirmed vnto him, his heires and successors, vnder seale, all the
islands which his predecessors enioyed.
In the yeere 1242. Haraldus returned out of Norway vnto Man and being
honorably receiued by the inhabitants he liued in peace with the kings of
England and Scotland.
In the yere 1247. Haraldus (like as his father also before him) was
knighted by the king of England, and so being rewarded with many gifts he
returned home. The same yere he was sent for by the king of Norway, and he
maried his daughter. And in the yere 1249. as he was returning home with
his wife, with Laurence the elect of Man, and with many other nobles, neere
vnto the confines of Radland, he was drowned in a tempest.
In the yere 1249. Reginald the sonne of Olauus and brother vnto Harald
began to reigne the day next before the nones of May: