Northern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 1 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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A Charter Made In The Sixt Yeere Of His Reigne.] As In Our
Charter Made For The Same Purpose It
Is more plainly expressed, (which
Charter we haue caused to be published vpon the Sea-coasts, throughout all
the countreys
Of our realme, and a strong prohibition to be proclaimed,
that no marchants, neither home-borne, nor strangers, may in any wise
transgresse the tenour of the foresaide Charter, vnder the penalties
therein contained) and whereas afterward it beeing giuen vs to vnderstand,
that diuers marchants both homeborne and aliens, bought vp such woolles and
woollen felles within our saide Realme and dominions, and conueyed
themselues with the saide wools and felles for the sale thereof vnto other
places within the foresaide Prouinces, besides the saide Staple, which was,
according to our graunt aforesaide appointed and ordained by the Maior and
communaltie of the said marchants of our Realme, in some one of those
Prouinces, to the contempt of our authoritie, and contrary to the Charter
of the ordination, publication, and inhibition aforesaide, wee assigned
certaine of our faithfull subiects, in diuers parts of our Realme, to make
inquisition for such wools and woollen felles, as were conueyed vnto any
other place of the saide Prouinces, then vnto the Staple, so that by these
meanes, the penalties due vnto vs might bee leuied vnto our vse: and hauing
intelligence also, that in a maner all marchants both home-borne, and
strangers bartering such wares in our kingdome, are culpable of the
premisses, and that many being indicted thereupon, and others fearing to
bee indicted, doe cause their wools and woollen felles to bee auouched
vnder the names of persons not culpable, and to be sent ouer vnto certaine
strangers being also culpable, and not minding perhaps to return any more
into our realme, that they may so escape the foresaid forfeitures, and
defraud vs of the penaltie, appertaining of right vnto vs, (which abuses,
if they were suffered so to goe vnpunished woulde redound vnto our extreame
hinderance:) and beeing likewise desirous to withstand such deceitefull
dealing, and so farre forth as wee can, to preuent our owne losses, we
firmely command, and streightly charge you, that you doe receiue of euery
particular marchant, desirous to conuey any wools, or woollen fels out of
the foresaid port, into any forrein dominions, a corporal oath vpon Gods
holy Euangelists that they shall auouch all those wools and woollen fels
vnder his name vnto whom they doe properly belong, & vnder the name of none
other: and then taking sufficient security from the owner of those wools
and fels, or in his name, in regard whereof you wil vndertake to
warrantize, and make good vnto vs those penalties and forfaitures which
shal vnto vs appertaine, for all wools, and woollen fels conueied or sent
by any of the foresaid merchants vnto any of the said prouinces of
Flanders, Brabant, and Artoys, contrary to the Charter of the Proclamation
and inhibition aboue mentioned (if they shal chance to be conuinced hereof)
that first, our due custome being receiued, you doe permit the said wools
and woollen fels to passe out of the foresaid port into forrein countnes.
Witnes the king at Douer the 18. day of Iune. By the king himselfe and his
And afterwarde by a Writte vnder the Kings priuie Seale there was a like
commandement giuen vnto the Collectors of the custome aforesayde in the
portes vnderwritten.
That is to say:
In the port of the Towne of:
Saint Botulphs towne, now called Boston.
Kingtone vpon Hull.
Iernemouth magna, or Yermouth.
Gypwick or Ipswich.
* * * * *
Carta Henrici quarti Anno [Marginal note: 1404] quinto regni sui concessa
mercatoribus Anglia in partibus Prussia, Dacia, Norwegia, Swethia, &
Germania, de gubernatore inter ipsos ibidem constituendo.
Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglia & Francia & Dominus Hibernia omnibus, ad
quos prasentes litera peruenerint, salutem Sciatis quod cum, vt accepimus,
ob defectum boni & sani regiminis & gubernationis, diuersa damna,
dissensiones, grauamina, & angustia inter mercatores Regni nostri Anglia in
partibus Prucia, Dacia, Noruegia, Hansa, & Suethia commorantes sapius ante
hac tempora mota fuissent & perpetrata, ac maiora, exinde, quod absit,
futuris temporibus verisimiliter euenire formidantur, nisi pro meliori
gubernatione inter eosdem mercatores mutuo habenda manus nostras adiutrices
apponamus: Nos damnis & periculis in hac parte imminentibus pracauere, &
eosdem Mercatores & alios de dicto regno nostro ad partes pradictas
venturos iuste & fideliter regi & pertractari intime desiderantes, volumus
& tenore prasentium concedimus eisdem mercatoribus, quod ipsi quoties &
quando eis placuerit in quodam loco competenti & honesto, vbi sibi
placuerit, se congregare & vnire, & certas personas sufficientes & idoneas
in gubernatores suos in eisdem partibus inter se ad eorum libitum eligere &
obtinere valeant libere & impune: Dantes vlterius & concedentes huiusmodi
gubernatoribus per pradictos Mercatores sic eligendis, quantum in nobis
est, potestatem & authoritatem speciales, omnes & singulos mercatores
Anglicos ad partes pradictas de catero venientes & declinantes per se vel
sufficientes loca sua tenentes regendi & gubernandi, ac eis & eorum
cuilibet in suis causis & querelis quibuscunque inter eos in partibus
pradictis motis vel mouendis plenam & celerem iusticiam faciendi &
quascunque quastiones contentiones, discordias, & debatas inter ipsos
mercatores Anglicos partium pradictarum motas sue mouendas reformandi,
reformationemque petendi, redigendi, sedandi, & pacificandi, & quascunque
transgressiones, damna, mesprisiones, excessus, violencias, & iniurias
mercatoribus partium pradictarum per pradictos mercatores Anglicos factas
seu faciendas redigendi, reparandi, restaurandi, & emendandi, consimilesque
restitutiones, reparationes, restaurationes & emandationes de ipsis
mercatoribus partium pradictarum seu deputatis suis requirendi, petendi, &
recipiendi: Ac de communi assensu mercatorum Anglicorum pradictorum
statuta, ordinationes, & consuetudines, prout pro meliori gubernatione
status eorundem mercatorum Anglicorum in hac parte videbitur expedire,
faciendi & stabiliendi & omnes & singulos mercatores Anglicos prafatis
gubernatoribus sic eligendis vel eorum loca tenentibus seu eorum alicui,
aut alicui statutorum, ordinationum & consuetudinum pradictarum contrarios,
rebelles, vel inobedientes iuxta quantitatem delicti sui in hac parte
rationabiliter puniendi. Volentes insuper omnia iusta & rationabilia
statuta, ordinationes & consuetudines per dictos gubernatores sic eligendos
in forma pradicta facienda & stabilienda, nec non omnes iustas &
rationabiles ordinationones per [Marginal note: Nota.] nuper gubernatores
pradictorum mercatorum Anglicorum de communi assensu eorundem mercatorum
pro huiusmodi gubernatione sua in partibus pradictis iuxta priuilegia &
authoritates sibi per magistrum.
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