23. The League betweene Carolus Magnus and Offa, concerning safe trade
of English Merchants
24. An ancient Testimonie as to the rank of Merchants, from Lambert's
Perambulation of Kent
25. A Testimonie of certaine privileges obtained for English and Danish
Merchants, of Conrad the Emperor, and John, Bishop of Rome, by
Canutus the Kinmg, extracted out of a Letter of his
26. The flourishing state of the citie of London, in the Reigne of King
Stephen, from William of Malmsbury
27. The Traffike of Bristow with Norway and Ireland, from William of
28. The League betwecne Henry II., and Frederick Barbarossa, from
Radevicus and Otto Frisingenses
29. A generall safe-conduct granted to all forreine Marchants by King
John, from the Records of the Tower
30. The Letters of King Henry III., unto Haquinus, King of Norway,
concerning a Treaty of Peace
31. A Mandate for the King of Norway, his ship called The Cog
31. A charter granted to the Merchants of Colen, by Edward I.
33. The Charter of Lubeck, graunted by Henry III.
34. A Charter for the Marchants of Almaine, graunted by Edward I.
35. A Mandate of King Edward I., concerning outlandish Marchants
36. The Great Charter granted unto forreine Marchants by Edward I.