For filthy swine detest all cleanly ones,
And hogs vncleane regarde not precious stones.
Which I feare, least it may be too truely affirmed of this slanderer, as it
is manifest out of these two last obiections.
Howbeit, sithens he himselfe is a most sufficient witnesse of his owne
vertues, we will referre the reader, who is desirous to know more of him
vnto his booke of rimes against Island, which we haue now examined in our
former sections at whose railing and filthy speeches we haue bene ashamed
on his behalfe: insomuch that those things which he with satyrical,
satyrical? nay sathanicall biting and reuiling of our nation, hath not
blushed to write, are irksome for vs to repeat: so great and abominable is
his insolency and his reproches so heinous. Good God! whosoeuer shall view
this cartlode of slanders (for we haue mentioned the least part thereof,
because I was loth to lose my labour, or, as the wise man sayth, to answere
a foole according to his foolishnesse, whereas in his rimes there is not
one word without a reproch) will he not iudge the authour of this pasquill
to haue bene a most lewde man, yea the very drosse of mankinde, without
pietie, without humanitie?
But here I haue iust occasion to doubt whether the authour of these
reuilings hath bene the more iniurious to Islanders, or the Printer thereof
Ioachimus Leo (and whatsoeuer else they be who in their editions dare
neither professe their own name, nor the name of their Citie) which Leo
hath nowe twise, if not oftener, published the saide pamphlet at Hamburg.
Doe you suffer this to goe vnpunished, O ye counsell and commons of