The same in English.
[Sidenote: The third reproach] The third reproch is, whereby he doth brand
the Islanders with the marke of deceit and trechery toward the Germans.
Doubtles the author of this libell was some vagabond huckster or pedler,
and had gone particularly into many corners of Island to vtter his trumpery
wares, which he also testifieth of himselfe in his worthy rimes, that he
had trauailed thorow the greatest part of Island, whereupon when he had
played the cousining mate with others (for often times deceit and lying are
ioyned together, and he hath sufficiently proued himselfe to be a liar, by
this triall of his wit) peraduenture himselfe was beguiled by them whom he
before time had defrauded.
From hence proceedeth this slander, against our whole Nation: dissembling
in the meane time with what honestie certaine Germans, making yerely
voyages into Island, deale with our men. But seeing by this complaint I
haue not determined to reproch others, but to lay open the vndeserued
reproches of others against oar nation, I do here of purpose surcease.
[Sidenote: 4. 5. 6. & 7. Conuitia.] Quarto: negat in conuituijs quemquam
discumbentium a mensa surgere: sed matres familias singulis conuiuis
quoties opus fuerit matellas porrigere. Praterea variam conuiuiorum
edendi bibendique rusticitatem notat.