They are at this
day, namely, the darkenesse of popery being scarsely at that time
dispelled. Which also is to be vnderstood concerning the Psalmes of Dauid
mumbled by the common people in Latine, as he casteth vs in the teeth: for
the Papists grounding all the hope of their saluation in the Masse, did
little regard the sermon or doctrine. But after we were freed from that
mist, it hath bene (God be thanked) farre otherwise with vs: although we
cannot altogether excuse the dulnesse, slouth, and preposterous care of
certeine of our Pastours. Which, whether it agreeth to any of their
countreymen or no, let other nations iudge.
[Sidenote: 2. Conuitium] Secundo calumniatur vitilitigator: Adulteria et
scortationes non modo publica esse et frequentia scelera inter Islandos:
sed ab ijs pro scelere ne haberi quidem.
Etsi autem foedissima ista turpitudines etiam in nostra repub. non prorsus
inusitata sunt: tamen cum omnibus constet in alijs quoque nationibus longe
etiam frequentiores esse, cum ibi quoque populi frequentia maior: immerito
et maligne hoc nomine magis Islandos, quam populos et gentes reliquas,
quarum, vt dixi, nomen etiam plus nostratibus hoc crimine male audit,
Et licet ex animo optarim longe minus ad scelera, et turpitudines in nostra
patria conniueri, quam passim hic fieri videmus: