[Sidenote: Krantzius Munsterus] Episcopum suum colunt pro Rege ad cuius
nutum respicit totus populus. Quicquid ex lege, scripturis, et ex
consuetudine aliarum gentium constituit, quam sancte obseruant.
Fuit equidem initio fere ad repurgatam Euangelij doctrinam maxima Episcopi
obseruantia; sed nunquam tanta vt exteris legibus aut consuetudini cederent
nostra leges politica, ex nutu Episcopi. Nec tempore Alberti Krantzij,
multo minus Munsteri (quorum ille 1517, hic 1552. post partum salutiferum
decessit) Episcopi Islandorum regiam obtinuerunt authoritatem, cum scilicet
multi ex ijs, qui diuitijs paulo plus valebant aduersus ipsos consurgere
non dubitarint; qua res apud nostrates liquido constat. Intenm tamen
Episcopi, anathematis fulmine terribiles, alios in suam potestatem
redegerunt, alios furibunda sauitia id temporis persecuti sunt.
Porro etsi tum fuit magna, imo maxima Episcopi obseruantia, tamen nunc
dispulsis tenebris Papisticis, alia ratione homines Satan aggreditur,
eorumque mentes contemptus libertate et refractaria contumacia, aduersus
Deum et sacrum ministerium, etiam hic armare non negligit.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Krantzius, Munsterus] They honour their Bishop as their King
vnto whose command all the whole people haue respect. Whatsoeuer he
prescribeth out of the law, the scriptures, or the customes of other
nations, they do full holily obserue.
There was indeed at the beginning, about the time of the reformation of
religion, great reuerence had vnto the bishop; but neuer so great, that our
politique lawes at the bishops command should giue place to outlandish
lawes and customes.