it is not lawfull for vs to write concerning other nations, that the people
of this or that countrie, doe vsually liue by eating of dogs, mise, cats,
although perhaps in the time of famine or seige or dearth of corne, they
haue often bene constrained so to doe.
But that the same drinke is sometimes common to many men with beasts we
will not greatly gainesay: namely most pure water, that naturall drinke
created by God for all liuing creatures: which also in some respect
Phisicians doe commende, yea, neither the Patriarkes themselues, nor our
sauiour Christ despised it.
As touching apparell (for we comprehend apparell also vnder the name of
Victus) it is no wise common to vs with beasts. For nature hath clad them
with hairs and bristles (as I dare say Munster and Krantzius cannot be
ignorant) men, being otherwise naked stande in neede of clothes to couer
their bodies. But I had not thought it might therefore haue properly beene
sayde that sheepe and we haue all one apparell. Men of other countries also
weare cloth of sheepes wooll, although it be more finely wrought. But no
more concerning the attire of the bodie. For it is a meere folly to seeke
for praise, and ambitious reputation by that, which argueth the infirmitie
of our nature.