Tadet de his pluribus agere: Tantum quia mihi cum
Theologis res est illud Saiomonis ijs reponam. [Sidenote: Prouerb 14.] Qui
calummatur egenum, deridet factorem eius.
Equidem quia gens hac nostra pauper et egena est et fuit, ad veluti quidam
mendicus inter diuites, tot extraneorum probra et scommata tulit. Sed
videant cui exprobrent. Certe, si aliud nihil nobis cum illis commune est,
tamen omnes ex ijsdem constamus elementis, et vnus et idem omnium Pater,
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Krantzius Munsterus.] They and their cattell vse all one house,
all one food or victuals, one state (here Krantzius hath it lodging.)
Also. They liue onely by feeding of cattell, and sometimes by taking of
Those be the things together with those that followe, which Krantzius hath
champed, and put into Munsters mouth, so that Munster shall not neede so
much as once to chewe them, which may appeare by comparing them both
together. For Munster, as hee swallowed these reproches, taking them out of
Krantzius his preface vpon Norway, so he casteth vp the verie same morsels
vndigested and rawe against our nation, in his fourth booke of Cosmographie
cap. 8. Those things which haue beene hitherto, although they haue
sufficiently grieued vs yet will we let them seeme more tollerable: