Clifford, Master Robert Samuel deane of Sarum, Master
Robert of Scarborough the Archdeacon of East Riding, Master Robert of
Seyton, Bartholomew of Southley, Thomas of Wayland, Walter of Hoptan,
Thomas of Normannel, Steuen of Pennester, Frances of Bonaua, Iohn of
Lenetotes, Iohn of Metingham and others. Giuen by our hand at Westminster
the fourteenth day of Iune, in the sixth yeare of our reigne.
[Sidenote: Thomas Walsingham writeth that he had once 1100. strong
shippes.] The roll of the huge fleete of Edward the third before Calice,
extant in the kings wardrobe in London, whereby the wonderfull strength of
England by sea in those days may appeare.
The South fleete.
The Kings /Shippes 25. Lyme /Ships 4.
\Mariners 419. \Mariners 62.
London /Shippes 25. Seton /Ships 2.
\Mariners 662. \Mariners 25.
Aileford /Shippes 2. Sydmouth /Ships 3.
\Mariners 24. \Mariners 62.
Hoo /Shippes 2. Exmouth /Ships 10.
\Mariners 24. \Mariners 193.
Maydstone /Shippes 2. Tegmouth /Ships 7.
\Mariners 51. \Mariners 120.
Hope /Shippes 2. Dartmouth /Ships 31.
\Mariners 59. \Mariners 757.
New Hithe /Shippes 5. Portsmouth /Ships 5.
\Mariners 49. \Mariners 96.
Margat /Shippes 15. Plimouth /Ships 26.
\Mariners 160. \Mariners 603.
[1]Motue /Shippes 2. Loo /Ships 20.
\Mariners 22. \Mariners 315.
Feuersham /Shippes 2. Yalme /Ships 2.
\Mariners 25. \Mariners 47.
Sandwich /Ships 22. [2]Fowey /Ships 47.
\Mariners 504. \Mariners 770.
Douer /Ships 16. Bristol /Ships 22.
\Mariners 336. \Mariners 608.
Wight /Ships 13. Tenmouth /Ships 2.
\Mariners 220. \Mariners 25.
Winchelsey /Ships 21. Hasting /Ships 5.
\Mariners 596. \Mariners 96.
Waymouth /Ships 15. Romney /Ships 4.
\Mariners 263. \Mariners 65.
Rye /Ships 9. Swanrey /Ships 1.
\Mariners 156. \Mariners 29.
Hithe /Ships 6. Ilfercombe /Ships 6.
\Mariners 122. \Mariners 79.
Shoreham /Ships 20. [4]Patricke- /Ships 2.
\Mariners 329. stowe \Mariners 27.
[3]Soford /Ships 5. Polerwan /Ships 1.
\Mariners 80. \Mariners 60.
Newmouth /Ships 2. Wadworth /Ships 1.
\Mariners 18. \Mariners 14.
Hamowl /Ships 7. Kardife /Ships 1.
hooke \Mariners 117. \Mariners 51.
Hoke /Ships 11. Bridgwater /Ships 1.
\Mariners 208. \Mariners 15.
Southhapton /Ships 21. Kaermarthen /Ships 1.
\Mariners 576. \Mariners 16.
Lymington /Ships 9. Caileches- /Ships 1.
\Mariners 159. worth \Mariners 12.
Poole /Ships 4. Mulbrooke /Ships 1.
\Mariners 94. \Mariners 12.
Wareham /Ships 3. Summe of the /Ships 493.
\Mariners 59. South fleete \Mariners 9630.
[Footnote 1: Or, Morne.]
[Footnote 2: Or, Foy.]
[Footnote 3: Or, Seford.]
[Footnote 4: Or, Padstow.]
The North fleete
Bamburgh /Ships 1. Waynefleet /Ships 2.
\Mariners 9. \Mariners 49.
Newcastle /Ships 17. Wrangle /Ships 1.
\Mariners 314. \Mariners 8.
Walrich /Ships 1. [2]Lenne /Ships 16.
\Mariners 12. \Mariners 382.
Hertilpoole /Ships 5. Blackney /Ships 2.
\Mariners 145. \Mariners 38.
Hull /Ships 16. Scarborough /Ships 1.
\Mariners 466. \Mariners 19.
Yorke /Ships 1. [3]Yearnmouth /Ships 43.
\Mariners 9. \Mariners 1950. or 1075.
Ranenser /Ships 1. Donwich /Ships 6.
\Mariners 27. \Mariners 102.
Woodhouse /Ships 1. Orford /Ships 3.
\Mariners 22. \Mariners 62.
[1]Stokhithe /Ships 1. Goford /Ships 13.
\Mariners 10. \Mariners 303.
Barton /Ships 3. Herwich /Ships 14.
\Mariners 30. \Mariners 283.
Swinefleete /Ships 1. Ipswich /Ships 12.
\Mariners 11. \Mariners 239.
Saltfleet /Ships 2. Mersey /Ships 1.
\Mariners 49. \Mariners 6.
Grimesby /Ships 11. [4]Brightlingsey /Ships 5.
\Mariners 171. \Mariners 61.
Colchester /Ships 5. Boston /Ships 17.
\Mariners 90. \Mariners 361.
Whitbanes /Ships 1. Swinhumber /Ships 1.
\Mariners 17. \Mariners 32.
Malden /Ships 2. Barton /Ships 5.
\Mariners 32. \Mariners 91.
Derwen /Ships 1. The Summe /Ships 217.
\Mariners 15. of the North \Mariners 4521.
The summe totall of /Ships 700.
all the English fleete \Mariners 14151.
[Footnote 1: Stockhith]
[Footnote 2: Or, Linne]
[Footnote 3: Or, Yermouth]
[Footnote 4: Now Brickelsey]
Estrangers their ships and mariners
Bayon /Ships 15. Flanders /Ships 14.
\Mariners 439. \Mariners 133.
Spayne /Ships 7. Gelderland /Ships 1.
\Mariners 184. \Mariners 24.
Ireland /Ships 1.
\Mariners 25.
The summe of all the Estrangers /Ships 38.
\Mariners 805.
The summe of expenses aswell of wages & prests as for the expenses of the
kings houses, and for other gifts and rewards, shippes and other things
necessary to the parties of France and Normandie, and before Calice, during
the siege there, as it appeareth in the accompts of William Norwel keeper
of the kings Wardrobe from the 21. day of April in the 18 yeere of the
reigne of the said king vnto the foure and twentieth day of Nouember in the
one and twentieth yeere of his reigne, is iii. hondreth xxxvii. thousand
li. ix. s. iiii. d.
* * * * *
A note out of Thomas Walsmgham [Footnote: Thomas Walsingham, a native of
Norfolk and Benedictine monk of St. Albans. He wrote A History of
England, from 1273 to the Death of Henry V, and Ypodigma
Neustria. His writings contain very little original information.]
touching the huge Fleete of eleuen hundred well furnished ships wherewith
King Edward the third passed ouer vnto Calais in the yeere 1359.
Anno gratia 1359. Iohannes Rex Francia sub vmbra pacis, & dolose obtulit
Regi Anglia Flandriam, Picardiam, Aquitaniam, aliasque terras quas
equitauerat & vastarat: pro quibus omnibus ratificandis, idem Rex Edwardus
in Franciam nuncios suos direxit: quibus omnibus Franci contradixerunt.
Vnde motus Rex Anglia, celeriter se & suos praparauit ad transfretandum,
ducens secum principem Wallia Edwardum suum primogenitum, ducem Henricim
Lancastria & fere proceres omnes, quos comitabantur vel sequebantur poene
mille currus, habuitque apud Sanwicam instructas optime vndecies centum
naues, & cum hoc apparatu ad humiliandum Francorum fastum Franciam
nauigauit, relicto domino Thoma de Woodstock filio suo minore admodum
paruulo Anglici regni custode, sub tutela tamen.
The same in English.
In the yeere of our Lord 1359. Iohn the French king craftily, and vnder
pretence of peace offered vnto Edward the third king of England, Flanders,
Picardie, Gascoigne, and other territories which he had spoyled and wasted,
for the ratifying of which agreement the foresaid king Edward sent his
ambassadors into France, but the Frenchmen gainsaied them in all their
articles and demaunds.