3. and Esay [Footnote: Isaiah] 65.
wherefore a Christian man willingly giueth ouer to search into such hidden
secrets and he accounteth it vnlawful to receiue or deliuer vnto others,
opinions (grounded vpon no plaine and manifest places of Scripture) for
certainties and trueths, Deut. 4. and 12. Esay 8. Matth. 27. 2. Tim 3.
Further also that commendation wherewith Munster and Krantzius doe grace
the Islanders, is meerly contrary to Christian religion: namely that they
make al one reckoning of their whelps and of their children. But more of
this matter anone in the 7. section. So therefore Munster disagreeth with
himselfe, whereas those whom he affirmeth to be Christians, afterward, he
maketh to be master builders of hell. Also Krantzius and Munster both
together, when as those whom they affirme to be engraffed by faith into
Christ, they except from all sense of piety and honesty, in that they write
that their sonnes are not dearer vnto them then their whelpes.
But to returne to the matter: In very deed we haue no great thing to say
concerning our religion, what, or of what sort it was when Gentilisme was
first put to flight. No more (I thinke) haue other Northern nations neere
vnto vs to say concerning the beginning of their faith. For (alas) we must
needs confesse and bewaile with deepe sighes, that vntill that day which
shined vnto vs like the beginning of immortalitie, and brought vnto vs the
pure doctrine of the gospel, our countrymen, as likewise other churches of
the North, were ouerspred with more then Cimmerian darkenesse.