[Sidenote: Munster] There are so great store of fishes in this Iland, that
they are laid foorth on piles to be sold in the open aire, as high as the
tops of houses.
In the open aire. In deed we haue seen other country merchants doe so,
vntill they had vnladen their ships of outlandish wares, & filled them
againe with fishes & with other of our countrey merchandize. But whether
our men haue done the like at any time, it is not manifest. [Sidenote:
Abundance of fish about island diminished.] Certainly, that plentifull and
ancient abundance of fish is now decaied, and the Islanders now begin to be
pinched with the want of these and other good things, the Lord laying the
iust scourge of our impietie vpon vs, which I pray God we may duely
[Sidenote: Frisius.] Equos habent velocissimos, qui sine intermissione 30.
millaria continuo cursu conficiunt.
Quidam in sua mappa Islandia, 20. millaria comunuo cursu assequi tradit
cuiusdam paroscia equos. Sed vtrumque impossibile ducimus. Nam maxima
celeritatis & roboris bestias (Rangiferos appellant) scribit Munsterus non
nisi 30. millaria 24. horarum spacio conficere.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Frisius.] They haue most swift horses, which wil run without
ceasing a continual course for the space of 30. leagues.
A Certaine Cosmographer in his Map of Island reporteth concerning the
horses of one parish, that they will run 20. leagues at once in a continued
race. But we account both to bee impossible.