In which words he seemeth wisely to
inferre, that greater care is to be had of our countrey lying in danger,
then of our owne priuate safetie.
This man doe I thus imitate,
If small with great as equals may agree:
And Flie with Elephant compared bee.
Namely that gathering together and laying vp in store those things which
might be applied to succour the fame and credite of our nation, hauing now
this long time bene oppressed with strangers, through the enuie of certeine
malicious persons, I boldly aduenture to present these fewe meditations of
mine vnto the viewe of the world, and so hoysing vp sailes to commit my
selfe vnto a troublesome sea, and to breake foorth into the like speeches
with him: That I should write necessitie vrgeth: but that my writings in
all places should satisfie euery delicate taste, or escape all peeuishnes
of carpers it vrgeth not. I doubt not but many will allow this my
enterprise: the successe perhaps all men will not approue. Neuertheles, I
thought that there was greater regard to be had of my countrey, sustaining
so many mens mocks and reproches, then of mine owne praise or dispraise,
redounding perhaps vnto me vpon this occasion. For what cause should moue
me to shunne the enuie and hate of some men, being ioyned with an endeuour
to benefite and gratifie my countrey?
[Sidenote: The errors of the writers of Island intolerable.]
But if I shall seeme somewhat too bold in censuring the errors of writers,
or too seuere in reprehending the slanders of some men: