Who stoutely withstanding Gysserus and Martinus
bishops of Schalholt, was commanded by the most religious king
Christian the 3. vnder paine of banishment to come with all
speed into Denmarke. But neglecting the king's commaundement,
hee tooke Martine bishop of Schalholt, and committed him to
ward. At length he himselfe also being taken by a man of great
name (whom before that time, it is saide, he had prouoked) and
being brought to Schalholt, was, together with his two sonnes,
by the authoritie of the kings Lieutenant beheaded. In reuenge 1551
whereof not long after, the saide Lieu-tenant with some of his
company, was villanously slaine by certaine roysters, which
were once seruants to the parties beheaded.
Olaus Walterus.
Departed his countrey. 1552
Entreth the see. 1553
This man (being as yet in the life time of his predecessour
fellow-labourer with him) was the first that kindled the loue
of sincere doctrine at Holen in the hearts of many: and then
being bishop did openly teache and defend the said doctrine.
He died. 1568
Gudbrandus Thorlacius.
The ornament, not onely of his age, but of posteritie also who
besides that, by the direction of the holy spirit, he hath
most notably brought the worke begunne, and left vnto him by
his predecessour Olaus to that perfection which it hath
pleased God to vouchsafe: (namely his labours and diligence
in maintayning the trueth of the Gospel, and in abolishing of
Popish superstitions) euen in this his countrey hee is the
first that hath established a Printing house. For which cause
his countrey (besides, for many other books translated into our
mother tongue) shalbe eternally bounded vnto him, that the
sacred Bible also, by his meanes, is fairely printed in the
language of Island. (I say) being at this present, Hee Bishop,
when he was about to take his charge:
Departed his countrey. 1570
Returned and entred the see of Holen. 1571
Circa hac igitur tempora mentibus nostris e coelo redditta lux est, et
regni coelestis ianua per sinceriorem doctrina Christiana expositionem
reserata. Nam et Schola triuialis in vtraque sede Episcopali, laudatissimi
Regis Dania Christiani tertij munificentia et pietate, circa annum 1553.
fundata est: ac subinde patris Christianissimi eximiam pietatem imitante
filio, Diuo Friderico secundo rege nostro sanctissimo, Anno 1588. ad
coelestem patriam euocato, aucta et promota: qua etiam hodie, clementissimi
regis et principis nostri, Christiani 4. fauore et nutu viget floretque: in
qua iuuentus nostra Insula, artium dicendi et sacra Theologia rudimentis
imbuta, ad scientiam et veram pietatem formatur, vt hinc ministri
Ecclesiarum petantur.
Peruenimus tandem ad hodiernum vsque diem in Episcoporum Islandia catalogo:
quo pradicti viri clarissimi Dom. Gudbrandus Thorlacius, et Dom. Otto
Enerus ille Holis, hic Schalholtia Ecclesiarum sunt antistites: quorum
vtrumque, vt Deus opt. max. Ecclesia sua saluum et superstitem, propter
gloriam nominis sui sanctissimi, diu conseruare velit, omnes serio et
ardentibus votis flagitamus.
The same in English.