Entreth his see. 1366
Dieth vpon the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, in the port of 1381
Bergen in Norway, falling downe from a packe of wares into the
botome of the ship. He was buried at Bergen in the Church of our
Michael a Dane.
Entreth his see. 1385
Resigneth, and saileth into Denmarke. 1388
William a Dane.
Entereth the Bishopricke. 1394
Arnerus sirnamed Mildur, that is to say Liberall. He was at one
time Lord President of all Island, bishop of Schalholt, and
vicebishop of Holen. He died. 1420
Ionas Gerichson.
Sueden either sirnamed or borne is made Bishop ouer the Church of 1432
Schalholt and afterward for certaine bolde attempts being taken
by one Thorualdus de Modruuollum (as it is reported) and a great
stone being bound to his necke, hee was cast aliue into the
riuer of Schalholt, (which taketh name of the bridge) and was
there strangled.
Bishop of Schalholt. 1445
Called the wise, bishop of Schalholt. 1472
Magnus sonne of Riolphus.
Bishop &c. 1489
Entreth the See. Then (liuing at one time with Godschalchus bishop 1494
of Holen, who seemed worthy to be sirnamed cruel) he had the
same commendations for mercy and iustice, that Godschalchus had.
He died: or thereabout. 1519
Chosen in the yeere wherein Stephen deceased.
Entreth the see. 1522
While he was Bishop, the kings Lieutenant with some of his
followers being inuited to Schalholt, in the time of the banquet
was slaine by certaine conspirators because hee had in all
places wickedly wasted the inhabitants and their goods. But
Augmundus as the authour of that murther (although he purged
himselfe with an othe) being transported into Denmarke there
ended his life.
Elected, Augmundus yet liuing. 1540
Entred the see. 1541
He was the abolisher of Popish traditions about Priests marriages:
his owne marriage being solemnized at Schalholt. 1544
Bishop &c. And the yeeres following. 1547
Gislaus Ionas.
This man presently, in the time of bishop Augmund began in his
youth to be enflamed with the loue of true pietie, & of the pure
doctrine of the Gospel, & being pastour of the Church of
Selardal, diligently to aduance the same, by which meanes he did
so procure vnto himselfe the hatred of Papists, as being
constreined to giue place vnto their craft & crueltie, he
departed ouer to Hamburg, from whence comming to Copen Hagen in
Denmarke & painefully proceeding in his former study of
diuintie, he liued in the familiaritie, and fauour of many, but
specially of D. D. Peter Palladius: who was at that time bishop
there. Afterward returning into his countrey, Martine gaue place 1556
vnto him of his owne accord. This man died also, hauing for the 1587
space of 31. years or there abouts, professed the Gospel of
Iesus Christ: neither did he helpe & further the Church of God
by the sound of his voice much, but by all other meanes to the
vtmost of his abilities, by teaching, preaching, writing, by his
wealth & his counsel.