[Sidenote: Videns imperator Sigismundus duas villas inter cateras Anglie
scilicet Calisiam & Doueream ponens suos duos digitos super duos suos
oculos ait regi: Frater custodite istas duas villas sicut duos vestros
And to the king thus hee sayd: My brother,
(When hee perceiued two Townes Caleis and Douer)
Of all your Townes to chuse of one and other,
To keepe the sea and soone to come ouer
To werre outwards and your regne to recouer:
Keepe these two Townes sure, and your Maiestee
As your tweyne eyne: so keepe the narrowe see.
For if this sea bee kept in time of werre,
Who can heere passe without danger and woe
Who may escape, who may mischiefe differre
What Marchandie may forby bee agoe:
For needs hem must take trewes euery foe:
Flanders and Spaine, and other, trust to mee,
Or ellis hindred all for this Narrow see.
Therefore I cast mee by a little writing
To shew at eye this conclusion,
For conscience and for mine acquiting
Against God and ageyne abusion,
And cowardise, and to our enemies confusion.
For foure things our Noble [2] sheweth to me,
King, Ship, and Swerd, and power of the see
[Foonote 2: The Noble was coined by Edward the third Anno regni 18. Quatuor
considerantur in moneta aurea Anglica, qua dicitur Nobile: scilicet Rex,
Nauis gladius, & Mare: