Wherof they haue no remedie of the said king of
Denmarke, nor of none other, forasmuch as none of them commeth within the
Realme of England, nor nothing haue in the same realme of England, & that
the goods be taken out of the same Realme: The king willing to prouide
remedy for his said liege people, hath ordeined & established, that if the
goods of any of the said his lieges be or shalbe taken by the said king of
Denmarke or any of his said lieges, the keeper of the priuie seale for the
time being, shall haue power to make to the partie grieued letters of
request vnder the priuie seale, without any other pursuite to be made to
any for restitution to be had of the goods so taken & to be taken. And if
restitution be not made by such letters, the king our soueraigne lord by
the aduise of his counsel shal prouide to the partie grieued his couenable
remedy, according as the case requireth.
* * * * *
Here beginneth the Prologue of the processe of the Libel of English
policie, exhorting all England to keepe the sea, and namely the narrowe
sea shewing what profite commeth thereof, and also what worship and
saluation to England, and to all English-men.
[Sidenote: Incipit liber de custodia Maris prasertim arcti inter Doueram &
The true processe of English policie
Of vtterward to keepe this regne in rest
Of our England, that no man may deny,
Ner say of sooth but it is one of the best,
Is this, that who seeth South, North, East and West,
Cherish Marchandise, keepe the admiraltie,
That wee bee Masters of the narrowe see
For Sigismond the great Emperour,
Wich yet reigneth, when he was in this land [1]
With king Henry the fift, Prince of honour
Here much glory, as him thought, he found,
A mightie land which had take in hand
To werre in France and make mortalitie,
And euer well kept round about the see.