Giue backe from that bargaine, after that the earnest penie be
once giuen and taken betweene the principall bargayners. And if
peraduenture any strife arise about the same bargaine, the triall and
inquirie thereof shall be made according to the vses and customes of the
fayres and townes where it chanced that the said bargaine was made and
4. Item, we promise the aforesaid marchants granting for euer for vs and
our heires, that from hence foorth we will not in any wise make nor cause
to be made any stay or arrest, or any delay by reason of arrest of their
wares, marchandises or other goods, by our selues, or by any other or
others for any neede or accident against the will of the sayd marchants,
without present payment of such a price as the marchants would haue sold
those marchandises for to other men, or without making of them other
satisfaction, so that they shall hold themselues well contented and that no
price or valuation shalbe set vpon their wares, marchandises, & goods by vs
or by any officer of ours.
5. Item, we will that all bayliffes and officers of fayres, cities,
boroughs, and market townes shall doe speedie iustice from day to day
without delay accgrdmg to the lawe of Marchants to the aforesayd marchants
when they shall complaine before them, touching all and singuler causes,
which may be determined by the same law.