Sic in
Hakluyt. It should be May.] in the one and fortieth yeere of our reigne.
* * * * *
This Letter was doubled, namely for the Burghers, and the Marchants of
Denmarke, of Brunswig, and of Lubecke.
Carta pro Mercatoribus Alemannia, qui habent domum in London, qua Gildhalla
Teutonicorum vulgariter nuncupatur. Anno 44. Henrici tertij, & Anno primo
& 29. Edwardi primi renouata & confirmata.
Ad instantiam Serenissimi principis Richardi Romanorum Regis charissimi
fratris nostri concedimus mercatonbus Alemannia, illis videlicet qui habent
domum in Ciuitate nostra London, qua Gildhalla Teutonicorum vulganter
nuncupatur, quod eos vniuersos manutenebimus per totum Regnum nostrum in
omnibus ijsdem libertatibus & liberis consuetudinibus, quibus ipsi nostris
& [Marginal note: Nota antiquitatem.] progenitorum nostrorum temporibus vsi
sunt & gauisi. Ipsosque extra huiusmodi libertates & liberas consuetudines
non trahemus, nec trahi aliquatenus permittemus. In cuius rei testimonium
has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes.
The same in English
A charter for the Marchants of Almaine, who haue an house at London
commonly called [Marginal note: The Stiliard.] the Guild hall of the
Dutch, graunted in the 44. yeere of Henry the third, renued and confirmed
in the 1. & 29. yeere of Edward the first.
At the instant request of the most gracious Prince Richard king of the
Romanes our most deare brother, wee doe graunt vnto the Marchants of
Alemain (namely vnto those that haue an house in our citie of London,
commonly called the Guildhall of the Dutch Merchants) that we will,
throughout our whole Realme, maintaine all and euery of them, in all those
liberties and free customes, which both in our times, and in the times of
our progenitors, they haue vsed and enioyed.