The same in English.
But Suetonius with wonderfull constancie passed through the middest of his
enemies, vnto London, which though it were not honoured with the name and
title of a Romane Colonie, yet was it most famous for multitude of
Marchants and concourse of people.
* * * * *
A testimome out of Venerable Beda (which died in the yeere of our Lord
734.) proouing London to haue bene a Citie of great traffike and
Marchandize not long after the beginning of the Saxons reigne.
Anno Dommina incarnationis sexcentesimo quarto Augustinus Britanniarum
Archiepiscopus ordinauit duos Episcopos, Mellitum videlicet & Iustum:
Mellitum quidem ad pradicandum prouincia Orientalium Saxonum, qui Tamesi
fluuio dirimuntur a Cantia & ipsi Orientali Mari contigui, quorum
Metropolis Londonia Ciuitas est super ripam prafati fluminis posita & ipsa
multorum emporium populorum, terra marique venientium. [Footnote: Beda
Ecclesiastica historia Gentis Anglornm lib. 2. cap 3.]
The same in English.
In the yeere of the incarnation of Chnst 604. Augustine Archbishop of
Britaine consecrated two Bishops, to wit Mellitus and Iustus. He appoynted
Mellitus to preach to the East Saxons which are diuided from Kent by the
riuer of Thames, and border vpon the Easterne sea, whose chiefe and
Metropolitane Citie is London seated vpon the banke of the aforesaid riuer,
which is also a Marte Towne of many nations, which repayre thither by sea
and by land.