And in the great see
at many a Noble armie had hee bee.
At mortall battailes had he bin fifteene,
And foughten for our faith at Tramissen,[4]
in listes thries, and aye slayne his foe:
This ilke worthie Knight had bin also,
sometime with the lord of Palathye [5]
ayenst another Heathen in Turkie.
Written in the lustie moneth of May
in our Palace, where many a million
of louers true haue habitation,
The yeere of grace ioyfull and iocond,
a thousand, foure hundred and second.
[Footnote 1: Algezer in Granado.]
[Footnote 2: Layas in Armenia. Froysart. lib. 3. cap. 40.]
[Footnote 3: Satalie in the mayne of Asia neere Rhods.]
[Footnote 4: Tremisen is in Barbarie.]
[Footnote 5: Or, Palice. Froysart lib. 3. cap. 40.]
* * * * *
The original proceedings and successe of the Northren domestical and forren
trades and traffique of this Isle of Britain from the time of Nero the
Emperour, who deceased in the yeere of our Lord 70. vnder the Romans,
Britons, Saxons, and Danes, till the conquest: and from the conquest,
vntill this present time, gathered out of the most authenticall histories
and records of this nation.