Those parts so much winde
blowing, as might be sufficient to driue a Corne mill.
Giraldus Cambrensis (who florished in the yeere 1210, vnder king Iohn) in
his booke of the miracles of Ireland, hath certaine words altogether alike
with these videlicet:
[Sidenote: There is a notable whirlepoole on the coast of Norway, caled
Malestrando (Malstrom), about the latitude of 68.] Not farre from these
Islands (namely the Hebrides, Island &c.) towards the North there is a
certaine woonderful whirlpoole of the sea, whereinto all the waues of the
sea from farre haue their course and recourse, as it were without stoppe:
which, there conueying themselues into the secret receptacles of nature,
are swallowed vp, as it were, into a bottomlesse pit, and if it chance that
any shippe doe passe this way, it is pulled, and drawen with such a
violence of the waues, that eftsoones without remedy, the force of the
whirlepoole deuoureth the same.
The Philosophers describe foure indranghts of this Ocean sea, in the foure
opposite quarters of the world, from whence many doe coniecture that as
well the flowing of the sea, as the blasts of the winde, haue their first
* * * * *
A Testimonie of the learned Mathematician master Iohn Dee, [Footnote: Born
in London in 1537.