I doubt not but many will allow this my
enterprise: the successe perhaps all men will not approue. Neuertheles, I
thought that there was greater regard to be had of my countrey, sustaining
so many mens mocks and reproches, then of mine owne praise or dispraise,
redounding perhaps vnto me vpon this occasion. For what cause should moue
me to shunne the enuie and hate of some men, being ioyned with an endeuour
to benefite and gratifie my countrey?
[Sidenote: The errors of the writers of Island intolerable.]
But if I shall seeme somewhat too bold in censuring the errors of writers,
or too seuere in reprehending the slanders of some men: yet I hope all they
will iudge indifferently of me, who shall seriously consider, how
intolerable the errors of writers are, concerning our nation: how many also
and how grieuous be the reproches of some, against vs, wherewith they haue
sundry wayes prouoked our nation, and as yet will not cease to prouoke.
They ought also to haue me excused in regard of that in-bred affection
rooted in the hearts of all men, towards their natiue soile, and to pardon
my iust griefe for these iniures offered vnto my countrey. And I in very
deed, so much as lay in me, haue in all places moderated my selfe, and haue
bene desirous to abstaine from reproches but if any man thinke, we should
haue vsed more temperance in our stile, I trust, the former reason will
content him.
Sithens therefore, I am to vndergo the same hazard, which I see is commonly
incident to all men that publish any writings: I must now haue especiall
regarde of this one thing: namely, of seeking out some patron, and Mecoenas
for this my briefe commentary, vnder whose name and protection it may more
safety passe through the hands of all men.
But for this purpose I could not finde out, nor wish for any man more fit
then your royal Maiestie, most gratious prince For vnto him, who hath
receiued vnder his power & tuition our liues and goods, vnto him (I say)
doe we make humble sute, that he would haue respect also vnto the credit of
our nation, so iniuriously disgraced.
Yea verily (most gracious King) we are constreined to craue your Maiesties
mercifull aide, not only in this matter, but in many other things also
which are wanting in our countrey, or which otherwise belong to the
publique commoditie and welfare thereof which not by me, but by the letters
supplicatory of the chiefe men of our nation, are at this time declared, or
will shortly be declared. For we doubt not but that your sacred Maiesties,
after the example of your Christian predecessors, will vouchsafe vnto our
countrey also, amongst other Islands of your Maiesties dominion, your
kingly care and protection.