Dayes, as the
King will, at his owne pay and wages.
Thus much out of these ancient notes, whereby your selfe may easily
discerne the difference: but whether the one or the other, or (by reason of
some latter dispensation) neither of these, haue place at this day, I must
referre it to them that be priuie, and of counsell with the Ports: and so
leauing this also vndecided, holde on the way, wherein I am entred.
This duetie of attendance therefore (being deuised for the honourable
transportation, and safe conduct of the Kings owne person or his armie ouer
the narrow Seas) the Ports haue not onely most diligently euer since that
time performed, but furthermore also valiantly behaued themselues against
the enemie from time to time, in sundrie exploits by water, as occasion
hath bene proferred, or the necessitie of the Realme required.
[Sidenote: The good seruice of the fiue ports. 1217] And amongst other
feats not vnwoorthy perpetuall remembrance, after such time as Lewes (the
eldest sonne of the French King) had entred the Realme to aide Stephan
Langton the Archbishop, and the Nobilitie, in the life of King Iohn, and
had sent into France for new supply of Souldiers after his death, Hubert of
Borough (then captaine of Douer) following the opinion of Themistocles in
the exposition of the oracle of the wooden walles, by the aide of the Port
townes, armed fortie tall ships, and meeting with eightie saile of
Frenchmen vpon the high seas, gaue them a most couragious encounter, in
which he tooke some, sunke others, and discomfited the rest.