It standeth thus.
These be the Fiue Ports of our soueraigne Lord the King hauing liberties,
which other Ports haue not: Hasting, Romenal, Heth, Douer, Sandwich, the
chiefe Townes. The seruices due by the same.
Hasting shall finde 21. ships, in euery ship 21. men, and a Garcion, or
Boy, which is called a Gromet. To it perteine (as the members of one towne)
the Seashore in Seford, Peuenshey, Hodeney, Winchelsey, Rie, Ihame,
Bekesbourne, Grenge, Northie, Bulwerheth.
Romenal 5. ships, in euery ship 21. men, and a Garcion: To it perteine, as
members thereof, Promhell, Lede, Eastwestone, Dengemareys, olde Rumney.
Hethe 5. ships, as Romenal before. To it perteineth the Westhethe.
Douer 21, ships, as Hasting before. To it pertaine, Folkstane, Feuersham,
and S. Margarets, not concerning the land, but for the goods and cartels.
Sandwich 5. ships, as Romenal and hethe. To it perteine Fordwich, Reculuer,
Serre, and Dele, not for the soile, but for the goods.
Summe of ships 57.
Summe of the men 1187. and 57. Garcions.
This seruice, the Barons of the Fiue Ports doe acknowledge to owe to the
King, vpon summons yerely (if it happen) by the space of 15. dayes
together, at their owne costs and changes, accounting that for the first
day of the 15.