In the yere 1239. Haraldus went vnto the king of Norway who within two
yeres confirmed vnto him, his heires and successors, vnder seale, all the
islands which his predecessors enioyed.
In the yeere 1242. Haraldus returned out of Norway vnto Man and being
honorably receiued by the inhabitants he liued in peace with the kings of
England and Scotland.
In the yere 1247. Haraldus (like as his father also before him) was
knighted by the king of England, and so being rewarded with many gifts he
returned home. The same yere he was sent for by the king of Norway, and he
maried his daughter. And in the yere 1249. as he was returning home with
his wife, with Laurence the elect of Man, and with many other nobles, neere
vnto the confines of Radland, he was drowned in a tempest.
In the yere 1249. Reginald the sonne of Olauus and brother vnto Harald
began to reigne the day next before the nones of May: and vpon the 30. day
of the same moneth he was slaine by Yuarus a souldier, and other of his
complices in the South part of a certaine medow neere vnto the Church of
the holy Trinitie, and he was buried at the Church of S. Marie at Russin.
The same yere Alexander king of Scots prouided a great nauie of ships that
he might conquere the islands vnto himselfe, howbeit falling into an ague
at the isle of Kenwary [Footnote: