Northern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 1 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Haquinus Coronatus.] And
Although Haquinus That Crowned King Of Norway Who Reigned Longest Of Any
Noruagian King, Namely, About Sixtie
Sixe yeares, did oftentimes attempt by
Ambassadours to make the Islanders become tributaries vnto him,
notwithstanding at all times they
Constantly withstoode him, till at length
about the yeere of our Lord 1260. they performed homage vnto him. And
afterward continued alwayes in their promised loyaltie, being subiects to
the king of Norway. But now at this day, since the Empire of the Noruagians
was translated by Margaret Queene of Denmarke, Suedeland, and Norway vnto
the Danes, they doe honour as their soueraigne Lord and King the most
gracious king of Denmarke.
[Sidenote: Krantzius Munsterus] Omnia eos communia sunt, prater vxores.
Hoc loco pramittit Krantzius talem Ironiam.
Multa insignia in moribus illorum, &c. Porro etiam hic fidem vestram eleuat
ingenium, ad asserendum res incompertas nimis procliue, cupidinem
nouitatis, et nominis ac famaa, imo veritatis curam preposteram arguit,
omnium et rerum personarumque et temporum experientia: O scriptores
Testes sunt leges politica, quibus inde ab initio cum Noruagis vsi sunt
eisdem Islandi: De Rege et subditis: De foro, et his qua in forensem
disceptationem cadere possunt: De hareditatibus: adoptionibus, nuptijs,
furto, rapinis, mutuo contractibus et cateris: Qua omnia, quorsum illis,
quebus res omnes sunt communes? Testes sunt, tot de bonis mobilibus et
immobilibus contentiones, turba et certamina, in foris ac iudicijs
Islandorum: Testes sunt Reges nunc Dania et olim Noruagia, qui tot libellis
supplicibus Islandorum, ad componendas istas de possessionibus
controuersias, olim et nunc interpellati sape fuerant. Testis contra
seipsum Krantzius, cuius verba distinction. i. huius, hac fuerunt. Ante
susceptam Christi fidem (Islandi) lege naturali viuentes parum a lege
nostra discrepabant, &c. Si lege natura, certe lege illa iustitia, qua
tribuit vnicuique suum: Si lege iustitia, certe proprietatum et dominiorum
distinctiones in nostra gente locum habuisse oportet: Quanquam autem in
hanc ipsam legem etiam in Ecclesia, et quidem satis atrocitur, sape
delinquitur tamen et Ecclesia et Ethnici iustissimam et optimam esse semper
fassi sunt.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Krantzius. Munsterus.] All things are common among them except
their wiues.
Here Krantzius in the first place beginneth with such a gybe There be many
notable things in their manners, &c. Moreouer, your wit being too hastie in
affirming things vnknowen, doth here also diminish your credite. The
experience as well of all things as of persons and times proueth your ouer
greedie desire of noueltie, of fame and vaine glorie, and argueth your
great negligence in maintaining the truth. O worthy writers.
But whether the aforesayde things bee true or no, wee call the lawes of our
Countrey to witnesse, which the Islanders from the beginning haue vsed all
one with the Norwayes: of the King and his subiects: of the seate of
iustice, and of law cases which come to be decided there, of inheritances:
of adoptions, marriages, theft, extortions, lending, bargaines, and the
rest: all which, to what purpose should they be enioyned vnto them with
whom all things are common? We call to witnesse so many broyls and
contentions in our courts, and places of iudgement in Island concerning
goods mooueable, and immooueable: we call to witnesse our kings now of
Denmarke, aforetime of Norway, who by so many billes of supplication out of
Island in old time, and of late haue beene often interrupted, for the
setting through of controuersies concerning possessions. Wee call Krantzius
himselfe to witnesse against himselfe, whose words in the first section
were these: Before the receiuing of Christian faith the Islanders liuing
according to the lawe of nature did not much differ from our lawe &c. If by
the lawe of nature, then doubtlesse by that lawe of iustice, which giueth
to euery man his owne: If by the lawe of iustice, then certainely
distinctions of properties and possessions must needes haue taken place in
our Nation: and although this very lawe is often transgressed, and that
haynously euen in the Church: notwithstanding both the Church, and also
heathen men doe acknowledge it to be most iust and good.
Catulos suos et pueros aquo habent in precio: Nisi quod a pauperioribus
facilius impetrabis filium quam catulum, &c.
Quamuis principio huius commentarioli censuerim, Munsterum et alios magni
nominis viros, in ijs, qua de Islandia scripta reliquerunt, esse a calumna
nota liberandos: num tamen id hic, etiam a candidissimo et maxime sincero
quocunque fieri possit, non satis video. Quid enim mouit tantos viros, vt
Nautarum maleuolas nugas et mendacia secuti, tam atroci et contumelioso
opprobrio gentem nostram diffamarent, commacularentque? Nihil profecto,
nisi secura ridendi et contemnendi gentem pauperem et ignotam, licentia, et
si qua sunt huic vicia confinia.
Caterum norint omnes non tam Islandis, quam ipsis Authoribus, incommodare
hoc mendacium. Cum enim illud, et plurima etiam alia in historiam suam
accumulant, efficiunt vna, vt alibi quoque suspecta fidei habeantur.
Illudque quod ait Aristoteles lucrantur, vt cum vera dixerint, illis sine
suspitione non credatur.
Sed age Lector, subsiste paulisper, mecumque grauitatem et sapientiam
tantorum virorum expende: Ne tantum Islandia Elogium intactum pratereamus.
Docuerunt hactenus Krantzius et Munsterus: Islandos esse Christianos. Item:
Islandos ante susceptam Christi fidem lege naturali vixisse. Item: Islandos
vixisse lege quadam non multum a lege Germanorum discrepante. Item: Vixisse
eos in sancta simplicitate. Adesdum igitur Lector, et quas Christianismi,
Legis naturalis, legis Germanorum, santa simplicitatis notas Authores illi
requirant, et in Islandis monstrent ac depingant, perpende. Vna fuit supra,
quod infernum siue carcerem damnatorum montis Hecla voragine et radicibus
circumscribant Islandi: de quo vide Sect. i. huius: et sect. 7. prior.
part. Altera nota, quod, cum Anabaptistis, proprietatum et dominiorum
distinctiones tollant: de quo Sect. praced. Tertia eaque longe
excellentissima hac est: illi praclari affectus naturales, amor, cura, et
animus tam pius et paternus Islandorum in liberos, quod videlicit eiusdem
precij sint apud illos canes et filij, aut hi etiam viltoris. Siccine nobis
Munstere et Krantzi. Legem Christi, natura, Germanorum, et sanctam
simplicitatem depingitis: O picturam praclaram et excellentem, quamuis non
prorsus Apellaam: O Inuentum acutum et admirandum, si bene authenticum:
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