But Walter de Lacy comming vpon
them with his armie, put them to flight, & from that time Curcy neuer
recouered his land. In the yeere 1210. Engus the son of Sumerled & his 3.
sonnes were slaine.
[Sidenote: King Iohn passed into Irland with 500. sailes] At the same time
Iohn king of England conducted a fleet of 500. ships into Irland, and
subdued it vnto himselfe and sending a certaine earle named Fulco, vnto the
isle of Man, his souldiours almost vtterly wasted it the space of 15.
dayes, and hauing taken pledges they returned home into their owne
countrey. King Reginald and his nobles were at this time absent from Man.
In the yere 1217. deceased Nicolas bishop of the islands, and was buried in
Vlster, in the house of Benchor, whom Reginald succeeded.
I thinke it not amisse to report somewhat more concerning the two foresaid
brethren Reginaldus and Olauus.
Reginald gaue vnto his brother Olauus, the island called Lodhus or Lewes,
which is saide to be larger then the rest of the islands, but almost
destitute of inhabitants, because it is so ful of mountaines & quarreis,
being almost no where fit for tillage. Howbeit the inhabitants thereof do
liue for the most part vpon hunting and fishing. Olauus therefore went to
take possession of this Island, and dwelt therein leading a poore life; and
when he saw that it would by no meanes suffice for the sustentation of
himselfe & his folowers hee went boldly vnto his brother Reginald, who as
then remained in the islands, & spake on this wise vnto him.