Of the
Ides of Nouember, and the next sommer his body was translated vnto the
island of Hy. He left 3. sonnes behinde him Reginaldus Olauus, and Yuarus.
In his life time he ordeined his sonne Olauus to be his heire apparant
because he onely was borne legitimate. But the Mannians, when Olauus was
scarce ten yeeres olde, sent vnto the islands for Reginald and created him
In the yeere 1187. began Reginald the sonne of Godred to reigne ouer the
islands: and Murchardus a man of great power throughout all the kingdome of
the islands was put to death.
In the yere 1192. there was a battel fought betweene Reginald and Engus the
two sonnes of Sumerled: but Engus obtained the victory. The same yere was
the abbey of Russin remooued vnto Dufglas, [Footnote: Douglas] howbeit
within foure yeeres after the monkes returned vnto Russin.
In the yere 1203. Michal bishop of the islands deceased at Fontanas, and
Nicholas succeeded in his roome.
In the yere 1204. Hugo de Lacy inuaded Vlster with an armie and encountered
with Iohn de Curcy, tooke him prisoner & subdued Vlster vnto himselfe.
Afterward he permitted the said Iohn to goe at libertie, who comming vnto
king Reginald was honourably enterteined by him, because he was his sonne
in lawe, for Iohn de Curcy had taken to wife Affrica the daughter of
Godredus, which founded the abbey of S. Mary de iugo domini, and was
there buried.