Two Comets appeared in the moneth of August before the
rising of the Sunne, one to the South and another to the North.
In the yeere 1171. Richard earle of Penbroke sailed into Irland, and
subdued Dublin with a great part of Irland.
In the yere 1176. Iohn Curcy conquered Vlster vnto himselfe. And at the
same time also Viuianus legate from the sea of Rome came into Man, & caused
king Godred to bee lawfully wedded vnto his wife Phingola, daughter of
Maclotlen son of Murkartac king of Irland, mother of Olauus, who was then
3. yeeres old. Siluanus the abbat married them, vnto whom the very same
day, king Godred gaue a portion of ground in Mirescoge, where he built a
Monastery: howbeit, in processe of time, the said land with the monkes, was
granted vnto the abbey of Russin.
In the yere 1172. Reginaldus the son of Eacmarcat (a man descended of the
blood royal) comming into Man with a great multitude of people, in the
absence of the king, at the first conflict hee put to flight certaine
watchmen which kept the shoare, & slue about 30. persons. Whereupon the
very same day the Mannians arranging themselues put him, & almost almost al
his folowers to the sword.
In the yere 1183. O-Fogolt was vicount of Man.
In the yere 1185. the Sunne was ecclipsed vpon the feast of S. Philip and