Blithe oases!
It must be delightful, in summer, to while away the sultry hours in
their hospitable twilight; even at this season they seem to be extremely
popular resorts, throwing a new light on those allusions by classical
authors to "thirsty Apulia."
But on many of the dwellings I noticed another symbol: an ominous blue
metal tablet with a red cross, bearing the white-lettered words
Was it some anti-burglary association? I enquired of a serious-looking
individual who happened to be passing.
His answer did not help to clear up matters.
"A pure job, signore mio, a pure job! There is a society in Cerignola
or somewhere, a society which persuades the various town
councils - persuades them, you understand - - "
He ended abruptly, with the gesture of paying out money between his
finger and thumb. Then he sadly shook his head.
I sought for more light on this cryptic utterance; in vain. What were
the facts, I persisted? Did certain householders subscribe to keep a
guardian on their premises at night - what had the municipalities to do
with it - was there much house-breaking in Manfredonia, and, if so, had
this association done anything to check it?