Here I saw what I have not observed in any other county of England,
namely, a pocket of wool. This seems to be first called so in
mockery, this pocket being so big, that it loads a whole waggon,
and reaches beyond the most extreme parts of it hanging over both
before and behind, and these ordinarily weigh a ton or twenty-five
hundredweight of wool, all in one bag.
The quantity of wool only, which has been sold at this place at one
fair, has been said to amount to fifty or sixty thousand pounds in
value, some say a great deal more.
By these articles a stranger may make some guess at the immense
trade carried on at this place; what prodigious quantities of goods
are bought and sold here, and what a confluence of people are seen
here from all parts of England.
I might go on here to speak of several other sorts of English
manufactures which are brought hither to be sold; as all sorts of
wrought-iron and brass-ware from Birmingham; edged tools, knives,
etc., from Sheffield; glass wares and stockings from Nottingham and
Leicester; and an infinite throng of other things of smaller value
every morning.