In both occur periods
seemingly interminable, during which the voice gradually ascends to
a climax, and then gradually sinks down.
I have spoken of the surprising number of Sanskrit words contained
in the Basque language, specimens of some of which will be found
below. It is remarkable enough, that in the greater part of the
derivatives from the Sanskrit the Basque has dropped the initial
consonant, so that the word commences with a vowel. The Basque,
indeed, may be said to be almost a vowel language; the number of
consonants employed being comparatively few: perhaps eight words
out of ten commence and terminate with a vowel, owing to which it
is a language to the highest degree soft and melodious, far
excelling in this respect any other language in Europe, not even
excepting the Italian.
Here follow a few specimens of Basque words with the Sanskrit roots
in juxtaposition:-
Ardoa Sandhana Wine.
Arratsa Ratri Night.
Beguia Akshi Eye.
Choria Chiria Bird.
Chacurra Cucura Dog.
Erreguina Rani Queen.
Icusi Iksha To see.
Iru Treya Three.
Jan (Khan) Khana To eat.
Uria Puri City.
Urruti Dura Far.