AUCTOR. Who else can give benedictions if people cannot when they are
on pilgrimage? Learn that there are three avenues by which blessing
can be bestowed, and three kinds of men who can bestow it.
(1) There is the good man, whose goodness makes him of himself a giver
of blessings. His power is not conferred or of office, but is
_inhaerens persona_; part of the stuff of his mind. This kind can
confer the solemn benediction, or _Benedictio major_, if they choose;
but besides this their every kind thought, word, or action is a
_Benedictio generalise_ and even their frowns, curses, angry looks and
irritable gestures may be called _Benedictiones minores vel incerti_.
I believe I am within the definitions. I avoid heresy. All this is
sound theology. I do not smell of the faggot. And this kind of
Benedictory Power is the fount or type or natural origin, as it were,
of all others.
(2) There is the Official of Religion who, in the exercise of his
office -
LECTOR. For Heaven's sake -
AUCTOR. Who began it? You protested my power to give benediction, and
I must now prove it at length; otherwise I should fall under the
accusation of lesser Simony - that is, the false assumption of
particular powers. Well, then, there is the Official who _ex officio_,
and when he makes it quite clear that it is _qua sponsus_ and not
_sicut ut ipse_, can give formal benediction.