- The most western branch of the Indus,
called the Pitty river, from a place of that name on its western shore
near the mouth, is probably that here meant. That branch leads to
Larry-bunder, the sea-port of Tatta; and the Synde of Terry is probably
the Diul-sinde of other authors, a place situated somewhat in this
neighbourhood, but which is not to be found in modern maps. - E.
7. Soret, the chief city of which is called Janagur, is a small, but
rich province, which lies west from Guzerat, having the ocean to the
south. - Soret is not now recognized as a distinct province or district,
but seems the modern Werrear, the western district of Guzerat,
Rhadunpoor appearing to be its chief town. Janagur, in this district, is
on the west side of the river Butlass, or Banass, which runs into the
head of the gulf of Cutch. - E.
8. Jesselmere, of which the chief city has the same name, joins with
Soret Backar and Tatta, being to the south of Soret and Tatta, and
having Backar on the west.
9. Attock, the chief city being of the same name, lies on the east
side of the Indus, which parts it from Hajykan. - This account is
erroneous, as Attock-Benares is much farther up the river Indus than
Hajykan, having the eastern extremity of Cabul on the opposite side of
the Indus.