Do. from Agra to his Mother, in 1616
Sec.3. Some Observations concerning India, by Coryat
SECT. IX. Account of the Wrongs done to the English at Banda by the
Dutch, in 1617 and 1618
SECT. X. Fifth Voyage of the Joint-stock by the English East India
Company, in 1617, under the Command of Captain Martin Pring
Sec.1. Occurrences on the Voyage out, and at Surat, Bantam, and Jacatra
Sec.2. Dutch Injustice, and Sea-fight between them and Sir Thomas Dale
Sec.3. Departure for Coromandel, with Occurrences there, and Death of Sir
Thomas Dale. - Capture of English Ships by the Dutch; and Occurrences at
Sec.4. News of Peace between the English and Dutch
Sec.5. Voyage of Captain Pring from Bantam to Patania and Japan
Sec.6. Voyage from Japan to Bantam, and thence to England
SECT. XI. Voyage of the Ann-royal, from Surat to Mokha, in 1618
SECT. XII. Journal of a Voyage to Surat and Jasques in 1620
Sec.1. Voyage from England to Surat
Sec.2. Voyage from Surat towards Jasques
Sec.3. Account of a Sea-fight with the Portuguese
Sec.4. Second Sea-fight with the Portuguese
Sec.5. Sequel of the Voyage
SECT. XIII. Relation of the War of Ormus, and the Capture of that Place
by the English and Persians, in 1622
SECT. XIV. Account of the Massacre of Amboina, in 1623
SECT. XV. Observations during a Residence in the Island of Chusan, in
1701, by Dr James Cunningham; with some early Notices respecting China