I accepted this as a sign of great favour, which, in this court, I
know to be a great one. He then sent for the book of maps, saying, that
he had shewed it to his mulahs, and not one of them could read a word
of it, wherefore I might have it again. To this I answered, that his
majesty in this would use his pleasure; and so it was returned.
The 26th, a rajah of the Rajpoots being in rebellion in the hills, not
above twenty cosses from the leskar, the king sent out two Omrahs with a
party of horse to fetch him in a prisoner. But he stood on his defence,
slew one of the omrahs and twelve maansipdares, [munsubdars] and about
500 men, sending an insulting message to the king to send his son
against him, as he was no prey to be subdued by ordinary forces.
The 2d September, Sultan Churrum made his entry into Mundu, accompanied
by all the great men, in wonderous triumph. Contrary to all our
expectations, the king received him as if he had been an only son. All
the great men and the queen-mother[214] went to meet him at the distance
of five cosses from the town.