My interpreters could not well pronounce his name, Lanching saying it
was Foyne Foshin Sam, while Lackmoy said it was written as above. This
comes to pass by reason of the Chinese characters, which, in proper
names, borrow the characters of other words, of the same or nearest
sound, and thereby occasion frequent mistakes.
The 22d, such houses as had escaped in the former fire of the 16th, were
now burnt down; yet the English and Dutch houses escaped, for which we
were thankful to God. On the 26th, a Dutch ship of 1000 tons arrived
from Holland, called the Flushing. At the island of Mayo, the company
mutinied against the captain, whom they would have murdered in his
cabin, had it not pleased God that a Scotsman revealed the plot when the
mutineers were already armed to carry it into effect, so that they were
taken between decks with their weapons in their hands. In this ship
there were several English and Scots soldiers. She did not remain at
Bantam, but sailed towards evening for Jacatra.
The 27th, our lading being fully procured, and several of our company
fallen sick, I went ashore to hasten our merchants to get us ready for
sailing. The 1st February, the Darling was forced back to Bantam; and
order was taken by mutual consultation for the proper care of her goods,
and for her immediate departure for Succadanea in the island of
Borneo, and thence to Patane and Siam.