The wind was so violent, that in a very short space
of time the whole town was burnt down, except the English and Dutch
factories, which it pleased God of his mercy to preserve.
Being ashore on the 20th, I procured two Chinese merchants, named
Lackmoy and Lanching, to translate the letter which the king of
Firando in Japan had given me to deliver to our king, James I. It was
written in the Chinese character and language, which they translated
into the Malay, and which in English was as follows:
To the King of Great Britain, &c. "Most mighty king, I cannot
sufficiently express how acceptable your majesty's most loving letter,
and bountiful present of many valuable things, sent me by your servant
Captain John Saris, has been to me; neither the great happiness I feel
in the friendship of your majesty, for which I render you many thanks,
desiring the continuance of your majesty's love and correspondence. I am
heartily glad at the safe arrival of your subjects at my small island,
after so long a voyage. They shall not lack my help and furtherance to
the utmost, for effecting their so worthy and laudable purposes, of
discovery and commerce, referring for the entertainment they have
received to the report of your servant, by whom I send to your majesty
an unworthy token of my gratitude; wishing your majesty long life.