15. - (1330).
Remission of fine incurred by an old servant of Marco Polo's. (Reg. Grazie
3 deg., c. 40.)*
"MCCCXXX, iiii Septembris.
"Quod fiat gratia MANULLI familiari Ser MARCI POLO sancti Joh. Gris.
quod absolvatur a pena librarum L pro centenariis, quam dicunt
officiales Levantis incurrisse pro eo quod ignorans ordines et pure non
putans facere contra aliqua nostra ordinamenta cum galeis que de Ermenia
venerunt portavit Venecias tantum piperis et lanae quod constitit supra
soldos xxv grossorum tanquam forenses (?). Et officiates Levantis dicunt
quod non possunt aliud dicere nisi quod solvat. Sed consideratis
bonitate et legalitate dicti Manulli, qui mercatores cum quibus stetit
fideliter servivit, sibi videtur pecatum quod debeat amittere aliud
parum quod tam longo tempore cum magnis laboribus aquisivit, sunt
contenti quod dicta gratia sibi fiat."
16. - (1333).
Attestation by the Gastald and Officer of the Palace Court of his having
put the Lady Donata and her daughters in possession of two tenements in S.
Giovanni Grisostomo. Dated 12th July, 1333.
(From the Archivio of the Istituto degli Esposti, No. 6.)[8]
The document begins with a statement, dated 22nd August, 1390, by
MORANDUS DE CAROVELLIS, parson of St. Apollinaris and Chancellor of the
Doge's Aula, that the original document having been lost, he, under
authority of the Doge and Councils, had formally renewed it from the
copy recorded in his office.