This would place Naku-urh about
Samarlangka. Beyond Liti was Lanmoli (i.e. Lambri). [See G.
Schlegel, Geog. Notes, XVI. Li-tai, Nakur. - H.C.]
There is, or was fifty years ago, a small port between Ayer Labu and
Samarlangka, called Darian-Gade (Great Darian?). This is the nearest
approach to Dagroian that I have met with. (N. Ann. des V., tom. xviii.
p. 16.)
NOTE 5. - Gasparo Balbi (1579-1587) heard the like story of the Battas
under Achin. True or false, the charge against them has come down to our
times. The like is told by Herodotus of the Paddaei in India, of the
Massagetae, and of the Issedonians; by Strabo of the Caspians and of the
Derbices; by the Chinese of one of the wild tribes of Kwei-chau; and was
told to Wallace of some of the Aru Island tribes near New Guinea, and to
Bickmore of a tribe on the south coast of Floris, called Rakka (probably
a form of Hindu Rakshasa, or ogre-goblin). Similar charges are made
against sundry tribes of the New World, from Brazil to Vancouver Island.
Odoric tells precisely Marco's story of a certain island called Dondin.
And in "King Alisaunder," the custom is related of a people of India,
called most inappropriately Orphani: