1888, 2 vol. 8vo.
- - History of European Botanical Discoveries in China. London
[St. Petersburg], 1898, 2 Pts. 8vo. Begins with Marco Polo, pp.
All these works are most valuable.
BRIDGMAN, Rev. Dr. Sketches of the Meaou-tsze, transl. by. In J.
N. Ch. Br. R. As. Soc. for Dec. 1859.
BROWNE'S Vulgar Errors, in Bohn's Ed. of his Works. London, 1852.
BUCHON. Chroniques Etrangeres relatives aux Expeditions Francaises
pendant le XIII'e Siecle. Paris, 1841.
BURNES, ALEX. Travels into Bokhara. 2nd Ed. London, 1835.
BUESCHING'S Magazin fuer die neue Historie und Geographie. Halle,
1779, seqq.
CAHIER ET MARTIN. Melanges d'Archeologie. Paris, v. y.
CAPMANY, ANTONIO. Memorias Historicas sobre la marina ... de
Barcelona. Madrid, 1779-1792.
CARP., CARPINI. As published in Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires de la
Soc. de Geog. Tom. iv. Paris, 1839.
CATHAY, and the Way Thither. By Col. H. Yule. Hakluyt Society,
CHARDIN, Voyages en Perse de. Ed. of Langles. Paris, 1811.
CHAVANNES, EDOUARD. Memoire compose a l'epoque de la grande dynastie
T'ang sur les Religieux eminents qui allerent chercher la loi dans les
Pays d'Occident par I-TSING. Paris, 1894, 8vo.
CHINE ANCIENNE. By Pauthier, in L'Univers Pittoresque. Paris, 1837.
- - MODERNE. By do. and Bazin, in do. Paris, 1853.
CHIN. REP. Chinese Repository. Canton, 1832, seqq.
CLAVIJO. Transl. by C.R. Markham. Hak. Society, 1859.
CONSULAR REPORTS. (See this vol. p. 144.)
CONTI, Travels of Nicolo. In India in the XVth Century. Hak.
Society, 1857.
CORDIER, HENRI. Les Voyages en Asie au XIV'e Siecle du Bienheureux
Frere Odoric de Pordenone. Paris, 1891, 8vo.
- - . L'Extreme-Orient dans l'Atlas Catalan de Charles V., Roi de
France. Paris, 1895, 8vo.
CURZON, GEORGE N. Persia and the Persian Question. London, 1892, 2
vol. 8vo.
D'AVEZAC. See App. H., III., No. 36.
DAVIES'S REPORT. Rep. on the Trade and Resources of the Countries on
the N.W. Boundary of Br. India (By R.H. Davies, now (1874)
Lieut.-Governor of the Panjab).
DEGUIGNES. Hist. Gen. des Huns, etc. Paris, 1756.
- - (the Younger). Voyage a Peking, etc. Paris, 1808.
DELLA DECIMA, etc. Lisbone e Lucca (really Florence) 1765-1766. The 3rd
volume of this contains the Mercantile Handbook of Pegolotti
(circa 1340), and the 4th volume that of Uzzano (1440).
DELLA PENNA. Breve Notizia del Regno del Thibet. An extract from
the Journal Asiatique, ser. II. tom. xiv. (pub. by Klaproth).
DELLA VALLE, P. Viaggi. Ed. Brighton, 1843.
DE MAILLA. H. Generale de la Chine, etc. Paris, 1783.
DEVERIA, G. La Frontiere Sino-Annamite. Paris, 1886, 8vo.
- - Notes d'Epigraphie mongole-chinoise. Paris, 1897, 8vo. From the
Jour. As.
- - Musulmans et Manicheens chinois. Paris, 1898, 8vo. From the
Jour. As.
- - Stele Si-Hia de Leang-tcheou. Paris, 1898, 8vo. From the
Jour. As.
DICT. DE LA PERSE. Dict. Geog. Hist. et Litt. de la Perse, etc.;
par Barbier de Meynard. Paris, 1861.
D'OHSSON. H. des Mongols. La Haye et Amsterdam, 1834.
DOOLITTLE, Rev. J. The Social Life of the Chinese.