Pipino's Parchment of 14th century. Muratori speaks of this.
(Script. VII.) as "fortassis autographum."
Muratoni; and Prof. Bianconi, Degli Scritta di Marco Polo, etc.
Bib. Magliabecchiana (now Nationale), Cl. XIII., Plut. IV. c. 104
Italian (Tuscan).
The Crusca MS., of which an account has been given, vol. i. Int.,
Original Language of the Book.
Paper, folio, early in 14th century.
Bib. Magliabecchiana (now Nazionale), Cl. XIII., Plut. IV. c. 73
Many liberties taken with the text, and much abridged and disarranged.
Thus, after the Prologue it proceeds: "Al nome di Dio io Marcho Polo
Veneziano raccontero tutte le maravigliose chose ch'io trovai e
vidi, etc. etc." It ends the chapter on Russia with the following
impertinence: "E se volete sapere piu innanzi dimandatene un altro
ch'io Marcho Polo non cercai piu avanti." The Khalif is called
Largaliffe; Reobarles, Reubarbe, with a marginal note in
an old hand, "Reubarbe citta di Persia, donde viene il reubarbero
herba medicinale." Completed by Dolfo Spini, 16th July, 1425. Paper.
Belonged to the Strozzi Collection.
This corresponds to the Pucci MS. noted below (No. 47). It
contains the colophon quoted at vol. i. Int., Some Estimate of Polo
and his Book, p. 115, note.
Paper, folio, 1392, 100 ff. of which the first 40 contain Polo.
Not well written.
Corresponds to the corrupt Venice epitome published in 1496. Contains
also Odorico.
[Ends: - "Complito el libro de le cosse mirabile vedute per lo nobile
homo Messer Marcho Polo gientelomo de Venesia a di 12 de
Marzo 1465 per mi Daniele da Verona in sul Ponte de' Berettiari al
onore e laude dell' Omnipotente."
Paper, 4to, 75 ff.
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