5631 and 2810. The MS. ends:
"Et sa auchuns disdaine qui a lui ..." about the middle of ch.
cxcix of Pauthier's ed., p. 738, line 4. These are also the last words
of the Stockholm MS. of which it is a copy.
Purchased in 1870.
L. Delisle, Bib. Ec. Chartes, xliii. p. 219.
Bib. de l'Arsenal, No. 5219
Translated by Robert Frescher. - Fol. 1. "Prologue du present livre, V.
p. 163. par maistre Robert Frescher, bacheloir forme en theologie
translateur. - Berose, ainsi que Josephe nous a laisse par enscript, fut
natif de la cite de Babilone...." - Fol. 9. Begins: "Pour scavoir la
pure verite des diverses regions du monde, lises au faictes lire ce
livre...." Incomplete; ends: "... Argon fui filz de Abaga mon frere,
et sa aucun disoit que a luy." (See Pauthier's ed., p. 738.)
Parchment; ff. 168; end of the 15th or beginning of 16th century. From
the libraries of Charles Adrien Picard and de Paulmy. With miniatures
some of which are engraved in Moeurs, Usages of Costumes du Moyen
Age, par les Bibliophile Jacob, pp. 411-413.
Cat. des MSS. de l'Arsenal, V. p. 163.
Bib. nationale, No. 3195
This is the old Latin version, published by the Soc. de Geog., and which
I have cited as Geographic Latin or G.L. (See vol. i., Int. Various
Types of the Text.) [Contains: Petri Amphusi clericalis disciplina;
Odoric; Marco Polo; Bernardi cujusdam ad Raymundum Castri Ambrosii
epistola de modo rei familiaris utilius gubernandae. Cf. Cat. Cod. MSS.
Bib. Reg. Pars tertia., t. iii. Paris, 1744, p. 385. Parchment, small
fol., 15th century. - H. Cordier, Odoric, p. lxxxiii - H.C.].
Printed Text. - H. Cordier.
Bib. nationale, No. 1616
Pipino's. [Paper; fol. cccvii et seqq.].
Table in the G.T.
Bib. nationale, No. 6244 A.
Pipino's. [Paper.]
Table in the G.T.
Bib. Nationale, Codd. Ital., No. 10,259 [now 434]
Paper, 4to, of 14th century. Seen, but not examined with any care, which
I regret, as the readings suggest that it may have been that text from
which Pipino translated [pp. 100.].
[Begins f. 2 recto: "Signori Imperadori Re e Duci e tutte altre
gienti che || uolete sapere le diuerse gienerationi delle gienti || elle
diuersita delle regioni del mondo leggiete que || sto libro
doue retrouerrete tutte le grandissime marauigle," etc.
Ends: "Explicit Liber de Milione per Messe Marcho Polo di Vinegia.
Deo gratias."]
I Manoscritti Italiani ... della R. Bib. Parigina ... dal Ant.
Marsana, 1835, 4to.
Former Library of Baron C. Walckenaer
A miscellaneous volume, containing an imperfect copy of Pipino's
version. Present locality not known.
Table in the G.T.